havent been updating for a while, aside from being busy, internet access is very limited.
is been bout a week since i ve been back, still feels like a dream, i dont quite like this feeling i hope it wont feel like a dream on the big day.......but in a way wouldnt it be my dream wedding ? haha
preparation process has been crazy! my organization skill sucks, so im having hard time when it comes to big event like that. some are over budget, some are under...and attention to small details is very important.
the thing i fear the most happened today, honestly big part of the wedding is also about pleasing the elderly, no? im trying my best but when it comes to unreasonable issue like that, i seriously dunno how to deal with it. you got me.
im so excited to see all my friends, esp those primary school friends that i havent been seeing for years!! and nop, im not getting drunk that night, well maybe later of the night...
happy new year to everyone!