Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Long night!
he ate/drink something that affected his central nerve system.
beer? special brownie? We dont know.
We are bad parents for not keeping our eyes on the dogs.
He couldnt walk and shivering the whole night, had to stay over at the vet over night for fluid service to flush whatever it is off his system.
Exam/consultation $100
Admittance Fee $66
Prep Room Fee $24.15
Charcadote $9
Fluid service $86
Preanesthetic Blood screen $75
Tax $18.46
Total $387.61
I was told about the estimate before i approve them to proceed, but seriously when is you are dead worry, you'll say yes to anything.
Tears dropped down from my eyes when I said goodbye to him b4 i left, kills me looking at him being that sick.
We were suppose to pick him up early in the morning, but he wasnt ready to go yet coz he was still pretty weak and sick.
Extension stay and fluid cost extra $91.35
Total $478.96 = 2 iphones!!!!
overall, im so glad he's ok now. I sure hope none of this is cause by human action ie: somebody decided to feed the dogs special brownie or beer. We ll leave it as mystery......
Sunday, July 20, 2008
the wonder of parenthood.
Spoke to mom on the phone yesterday and we were making plans for the baby, and she made this comment "you should really get rid of your dogs lah, they are playful, they gonna step on the baby by accident one day when you are not watching....etc" these are just dogs to her, but for us, they are our babies and big part of the family too!
Both of our dogs are pretty much grown up now, Lex still acts like a giant puppy and he always will, but he has grown out of his puppy hood, he stopped chewing, start giving abit of attitude. sighhhh teenager........ and i never took as many pictures of him when he was a puppy as opposed to Pooky, well u know .....first child... :)
I cant believe Im going to be a real parent soon! and as my tummy is growing bigger, i been stressing about who's is going to take care of our little baby, I dont want to leave a few months old to a day care and strangers. I wish I could stay home for a few years, but i had just gotten out of 7 years education and started my career. Well this is a big dilemma.... We need a better solution than day care.
Anyway here are some cute pictures of little rat Pooky when he was less than a year old.

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Beachy weekend
I had to go in to work for couple of hours on saturday just to make up the hours, and right after that I headed to the beach with some gfs, it was toooooooo hot that i could only spent two hours on the beach...

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sunday, July 06, 2008
shit sandiwch
Because this nausea thing has been really affecting my work hours, last two weeks i left work early because of that and last month i stayed home a day because of that!! so i wrote my boss an apology email and promised her i will come in on saturday to make up for it. and she was very understanding, so on Saturday morning, i decided to sleep in and went in to work about 10 to noon, and when i went in the office she was there waiting for me!
God know how long she been waiting, but she claimed to be needing my reload station for her demo next week in California. But is the management on my ass now!? i cant help but to wonder....after the review/feedback i had last week, of coz i got a typical shit sandwich, started with my good performance, then some shit and end with some more compliments. Now they wanted me to start writing everything i do down and i had to submit my weekly report to her every week so she knows what i ve been working on!
Im not sure if im comfortable with that, they claimed to be this is not just me but they dont really know what others been working as well so is kinda everybody's issue, so why dont everybody have to start submitting report!?
I tried to comfort myself by saying because my boss travel alot and most of the time she's not around so she would like to know what i been working on.
Or maybe i have two roles now, they r sharing me with customer support and QA so they wanna make sure i spend equal amount of time on each role.
I dont know!! *SHRUG* but i definitely dont like the idea though, i keep my daily notes anyway so is not like is extra work for me to be submitting this report and guess i have to try HARDER to do my job BETTER!!!
come to think about it now, when im over my probation week, i might wannna take a year maternity leave off instead of 5 months coz i was trying to be NICE!!!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Foreign workers eating dog meat
KLANG: Stray puppies are ending up as meals for foreign construction workers keen on reducing their food bills.
Indonesian construction worker Wagang Saring said the high prices of food and the need to send as much money to families back home had forced him and his friends to eat pooches.
“Puppies are the best as their meat is tender,” said the 37-year-old Saring. “The meat gives us energy to work at construction sites. Three puppies will do for five men.”
Saring was approached by The Star at a petrol kiosk in Bukit Tinggi after he was seen hitting a puppy with a piece of wood.
He knocked out the puppy with two blows and carried it back to his kongsi where his friends had already built a fire.
Fellow Indonesian worker Marcel Jeheta, 30, said the large number of stray dogs in Klang provided ample supply of meat.
Jeheta, who comes from Flores Island, said dog meat was a popular source of protein back home.
“Dog meat is widely eaten in Flores Island and we continue the practice in Malaysia,” he said.
A check around the construction site found many dogs, mostly females, that appeared to have littered recently . But there were no puppies in sight.
Cleaner Suriyati Norsalim, 40, from central Jawa, was quick to point out that only some Indonesians ate dog meat.
“Only those from Flores Island, who are not Muslims, and some non-Muslim Bataks (from Sumatra) eat dog meat,” she added.
Vietnamese Nguyen Thi Thu, 25, who works at a factory in Klang, said she noticed her countrymen eating more dog meat recently.
She said dog meat was a popular delicacy in Vietnam.
Animal welfare activist Sabrina Yeap said dog eating was gaining momentum among foreign workers because there was no law against it. “It is not illegal and so no action can be taken against those who do so,” she added.
Yeap, who manages the canine sanctuary Furry Friends Farm, said it was time the Government banned dog eating as it involved inhumane killing methods.
What the fuck!? just because those puppies do not own by anyone doesnt mean ppl can randomly grab them and use them for food!!! this is outrageous!!! COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE! i sincerely hope these ppl get burn in hell!!!!