most, pookster is pretty much the only small dog around, poor guy got
stepped over so many times. the funny thing is, he liked to think that
he's big, a big guy trapped into a small body went cari pasal with
those big giant "puppies"
anyway this entry is abit overwhelmed with pictures, so be patient.
goldie and poodle having so much fun , pooky at the side : play with me! play with me!
see, he's a bit LOA (lack of attention) (play with me! play with me!)
okla okla, come join us...
got treat?
chehhhhh...lao liu (false case)
sniff~ sniff~
more sniffing....(giant dog!)
but he's a cutie
this is the reason why we r paying so much tax, even our pet is assured, ho mia dogs

coffee, coffee or me?
pooky will sit for treats!!
he's dead tired and dirty after the morning, today is the bath day!!!
finally after waited patiently for 3 weeks, went got a bottle of dog
shampoo and nail trimmer...
as i was in the pet store...there are new bunch of puppies...i fell in
love (again) with those cairn terriers, and bichon~shih Tze, and those
yorkie~bichon......wonder if is alot more work to hv a second dog, well
in tat way they both hv company mahh...hehehe,mmmmmmm...
came home, pooky was surprisingly good during the bath, not
for nail trimming he's smelling good and asleep....think
im gonna take a nap too....peace out~!
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