I was so dissapointed at the results of ANTM last night!
I mean....
total dissapointment!!!
they sent mollie sue home!! one of my favourite gal, well...becoz of her fierce red n sharp hair style, i wish i hv the face to pull of such hair cut.
i mean, look at her...
due all of their performance, i think they should send Brooke home instead, she just doesnt hv the model personality.
I mean out of everybody!!! why Mollie sue?! she s one of the strongest girl.
as much as i think Jade is a bitch bitch bitch, i wouldnt want her to be gone, becoz they wouldnt be any cat fights, its always to keep the bitch till the last, come to think about it, that was always the case,like...
Robyn from c1, Camille from c2, eva was the winner in c3
she has a strong gettho look doesnt she? *pik pak!*
mean while...look how much has pooky changed
i like mollie sue too !!! ish... i tot brooke would b eliminated.....
YALAH! think they main tipu one, Mollie sue was doing well all this while and lots of them did badly in that commercial.
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