price's alarm called and apparently the alarm got triggered with some kinda broken glass sound, so we rushed down to the store right away and the front window glasses got broken (just a hole thought), fortunately nothing was taken. waited for the cops for about 45mins and they seemed to think someone just released their anger by kicking the bottom glass really hard!
i didnt think that he will go thru all that hassle just to take something thats worth 100$.
so we covered it up with plywood n cardboard and this morning , found out that insurance werent gonna pay full amount for that, damn all this insurance warranty shit! im so sick of them, is almost like a scam!! but our landlord is gonna pay full amount for that. so thats good.
bad things had been happening around us, biz is dead, this happened, laptops, arg! when is all this gonna stop? im gonna buy a waving cat n put infront of the store to "wave" more sales and we both should take bath with lok yau yip to wash away all the "suiness"
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