got a mid term today, wasnt so good, after the test, as i dragged myself into the Engineering Lab Wing, i saw whole bunch of ppls gathering around the TV, HEY the game is not finished yet! once again, i managed to catch the 5 penalties shots. boo to Switzerland...hehe damn mean ar me.
well really, sometime soccer is just about luck.
really looking forward for this friday's game, Argentina VS Germany, i think i might just wake up at 7am to watch it with my sleepy eyes. say if Argentina win, they might just have a chance to play against Brazil in the final. becoz....RONALDO HAS "RETURNED"!
big dilemma for darling that time, is like "SCOREEEE!!!! wait !! NO!!NO!!!"
becoz both r his favourite teams. haha
mmm, any of u guys think this ball looks like it has roti pad all over it? the ones with no wing..hahaha the last time i checked, it was going for about 200$US in ebay, crazy!
i truly need a laptop, but just simply cant afford one right now, WHY! why do i have to spilled freaking good for nothing vodka onto my baby???!!! urg!! pls let me win lottery, and i wonder will it be inappropriate to ask money from mom.
errrr, yea!
still no news from the job applications, i think the chances of me going back this september is pretty high.
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