world cup ended with an excellent final game! we ll have to wait for another fours years!
this morning, we woke up, n i put on my "Forza Italia" shirt that i bought a week ago, n we headed to the sticky wicket pub, we thought this early, prolly not many ppls gonna show up. but turned out, there was a huge line up infront, n most of them r France's fans!! then we bumped into pzemech, got a nice table infront of the big screen tv, few guys from school showed up later...
then we started cheering while we r having breakfast~~~
too bad i missed the over time becoz i had to go open up the shop, zidane got red card for his outrageous behaviour, i was just telling darryl last night how zidane looks like a serene n calm guy...so i totally didnt see THAT coming from him, shame on you zidane, geeez!
anyway doesnt matter, Italy won!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
there were cars driving around downtown today honking n cheering with italy's flag, and of coz i stand by the street cheering too!!
im alittle bit sad that is over though..
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