ever since i was back from my 5 days trip, i been pretty much staying at home. the most also go out lunch with mom or couple of frens. the boredemness has really started to bother me.
where did all my frens go? i had make the effort, why havent u?
anyway i give up, im now waiting for danny ang's return.
is 30th of august, which is merdeka eve, im home alone, everybody else has got their own activity going on....actually i lied im going out with ah ling later, then hopefully she's not too tired and we could get a rummy session going.
i am back from a loooong vacation, went to hatyai and penang the past 5 days...was an absolute blast!
needless to say, amazing shopping in hatyai ( if you dont mind immitation goods) and the cabaret show aka ah gua show......really bring down us -women's self esteem. how could men be transformed to be sooooooo gorgeous!?
i adore this one soooo much, she's like an angel, until the show ended and all of them waited at the exit for tips, i wanted to go take pic with her and changed my mind when i saw how aggressive she was begging for tips and omg the minute she speaks!! totally unbelievable!
there were some nudity in the show, call me old fashion but i think they shouldnt allow kids, of coz both my bro and cousin were satisfied at the end of the show. u ll be amazed how humsap these days' kids are.
oh yeah! and the coconut bird nest, Ohhhhhh myyy godddd~~ i dont mean to make u drool but it was sooooooo delicious!!
strolling around town
hahhahahhahaha, he ll hate me so much if he knows i did this
we spent two nights in hatyai then headed to penang,
does this stall looks familiar? thats right, is the most famous ayer itam asam laksa, the minute i put the soup in my watery mouth, the feeling is totally undescribable!!!
asam laksa rocks!!!! i bought bunch of stuff, i hv to admit i truly enjoy the negotiating part, but of coz thailand was easier than penang, and i bought all 3 parts of "Godfather" for rm12 !!!! whoooorayy!!
i miss you waggling ur tail when u see me. i miss you jump in joy when u see me. i miss you tug ur head on my lab or arm. i miss you curl up besides me napping.
the next day, it was karen's convocation...geeeeeeeez sitting in the hall for 5 freaking hours with my growling stomach was the worst torture i havent had in years! the doors were all guarded therefore nobody were allowed to go out nor come in...
anyway, congratulations to karen!
family photo
with frens...
just the 3 of us...
after the picture taking sessions, we headed to klang parade!!!! my food paradise, for asam laksa, prawn mee and hotplate mee!!! im the happiest me!
ok first of all, i have tonnes of complaints to be voiced out about AIR CHINA! When i first stepped into the cabin, this weird smell striked me,and as i walked past the first seat of the so called "business class" cabin, i quickly glanced through the back of the seats - no personal TV, damn it! well as i expected, i managed to squeeze through the crowd who was taking their own sweet time trying to put their hand carry into the overhead storage, and settled down at my seat within two mins and fell asleep within the next ten.
when i woke up, the flight attendants were serving drinks. gosh just the way they streamed down the drink into the cup, at one point it splashed out and wet the pants of the guy next to me a little bit, and in general the flight attendants were rude, i swear i caught quite a few of them were rolling their eyes at their passengers. But if you are white skin, u will definately received ur special treatment. HOW PROFESSIONAL IS THAT?!
good thing is i brought my sleeping pills and had quite a good sleep throughout the whole journey. when i finally arrived in KLIA, i cant wait to get out of the gate. But as i was waiting for my baggages, this bad feeling hitted me. The crowd was getting smaller n smaller and my baggages are still nowhere in sight. yup, thats right they left both of my baggages in beijing, coz the flight arrived in beijing was an hour late and they couldnt transfer them in time b4 my next flight took off. So i had to come back to KLIA the night after, (same time, 1120pm) to reclaim my baggages. Poor Sean, Karen and b-boy (well actually b-boy just tagged along becoz karen briefly mentioned that we might go hangout in the burger king in the airport), they waited for bout two hours while i was running around to reclaim my baggages, evidently the flight arrived late again, but thank goodness I had received both of my baggages in good conditions.
anyway, pictures time....
the morning i took off, pooky at the bus depot, becoz we forgot his leash so we had to put him on top of a garbage can just so he wont run around crazy.
the night b4 i left.....it was pooky's birthday, he's 1 !!!! thats right, ooonneeeeee. I was gonna bake him a cake but i was too caught up with exams, only managed to pack the night b4. sorry boy, will make it up to u next year.
so instead of a cake, we gave him a big piece of raw steak!! the canadian AAA cut!
is too delicious, i want more~~
happy birthday to pooky, we love u sooooooooooooooooo much!!!
I love you, im gonna miss u two sooooooo much *sniff*
pooky n his doggie frens this dessert is a totaly blast!! first of all u cut the banana open then stuff as much chocolate chips n mini marshmallows as u can inside. wrap it up in tin foil n throw it into burning fire...it looks gross but it taste bloody good!!
two nights ago as I was trying to figure out certain certain algorithm for the 100th times, I got an Msn msg from I Jean, she asked when will i arrived.
and i put those algorithms aside and started chatting (as usual).
"oh yea, I will be arriving on saturday midnight" "ohhhh, so late, coz we r going out to celebrate mich's birthday on sat night" "aiksss , think i cant join" "wat about sunday yum cha?" "oh sure sure, but not too late though as my curfew is 12am" "yea yea sure, plus the pregnant lady has to go to bed early also" "u can guess is who right?" "OMG!!"
congratulations to Mich, her wedding was last September, very efficient huh, waste no time.
It feels so great that, here I am all stressed out about the crazy exams. and a fren from home just popped a msg, asking me out yum cha on sunday. I already make plans with frens even though im 10000 miles away from home.
after 3 full days of being sick, Im feeling all better today, thanks to the whiskey i had last night, yea inpite of how "sick" i was, we had the biggest party ever last night, Su Ann and how's dad n bro were in town for the weekend. besides ppl, we also had two doggie as our guests- Maggie and Hagen. not sure what kinda Hagen is but Maggie is a sheltie, she is such a princess! and pooky is crazily in love with her.
how crazy? as crazy as he remembers her name. Did a test on him this morning, as he was happily ran to the door coz he know is his park's time, i was yelling back in the corridor just to give him a goodbye kiss, but he will just never come to me!!! (yea stubborn huh? ) so finally i yelled in a high pitch voice "hey MAGGIEEEE", *clak clak clak* here he came running to me. I was so amazed!!
*pictures coming up next entries.*
lotsa drama mind games going on in school...Im really exhausted~ I hate playing mind games, pls leave me alone, i just wanna do my things and go.
why cant everybody just get along fine...why must we cursed with the ability to be angry and to hold grudge?
A phone call woke me up from my afternoon nap, still wuzzy from the cold medicine and managed to find my cellphone, it was good news from Rejoy, he got a job offer, half an hour after the interview!! So i had to find out about mine too, called the coop office, and as i expected , i didnt get the job. As dissapointed as I was, i called my travel agent to confirm my air ticket.
Not getting a job doesnt make me feel as bad, the thing is somehow she told me about the ranking and i came in as bottom two, thats pretty low! I mean i used to nail all my interviews, do they hv different expectations here? or was I too nervous, all i know was my english was fucked up, I couldnt put a proper sentance together. Maybe is not meant to be....
oh well, at least i get to spend more time in Msia and my schedule will be back in track (hopefully)...
feeling so sick right now, I dont mind being sick during final exams, but pls let me be well when im traveling. to spend 10 hours on the plane coughing is definately the last thing i need right now!
Honestly, i think i dislike the lifestyle in vancouver, yea they hv good shopping, good food, but the ppl n more importantly THE PPL, the CROWD, the TRAFFIC, had distinguished a boundary line inspite of all the good lord reasons.
Driving around town had definately shorten my lifespan, is a pretty hectic trip, trying to squeeze everything in one day, im telling ya, i think we did 10km if not more around town yesterday. We had to cancel our dancing plan becoz our feet (esp mine!) hurted too much. Liked the fireworks, hate the crowd! i think the whole city was there, it was literally "bum to bum crawled" reminds me of merdeka day in bukit bintang except that the small asian will have to struggle through and stick their heads up to get some extra air. the best part of the trip is i managed to sneaked a 200ml bottle of vodka into my small purse and mix it in my half drank diet coke at the corner of a building, that definately made the fireworks prettier! haha...Tanya is such a cool girl, i can totally see myself having so much fun with her in near future. Hopefully things will work out fine for her.
$20 bills in my purse dissapeared so quickly and i hv only got two sourveniers down. (task no2 : buy everybody something back home with just $100), again i had failed miserably, mind me, i had only bought one item for myself on the 8th hour of the shopping trip, that was after we talked on the phone and dannsu had the best day ever in half a year! I had done pretty good inspite of all the SALE, SALE, SALE signs that had been attacking me!
Managed to get everybody back home something with exactly $100, i hope they will appreciate "roots canada" , got my mom whole bunch of dishwares and cute mugs. i know she will love them providing i dont break any of them by the time they got to her hands.
anyway pictures time!
all you can eat Japanese in Sushiya, those floating boats r pretty cooL
food! food! food! 4 of us finished two rounds of those! and is super cheap, 11$ person!!!! those tuna and salmon just melted in ur mouth, super fresh!
so everybody is happy, look at our big smiles
thats all the items that we had, mind you some of them are muliple of 4, 6, or even 8!!
sand castle in metrotown, look at the giant playstation controller!!
there are tonnes of these giant bears around town, even more than victoria!!
the fireworks was amazing! I took quite a few video but some of them r pretty long so here are couple of the short ones.
took a rest by the sidewalk after too much walking, there are bleasters all over my feet!!