Driving around town had definately shorten my lifespan, is a pretty hectic trip, trying to squeeze everything in one day, im telling ya, i think we did 10km if not more around town yesterday. We had to cancel our dancing plan becoz our feet (esp mine!) hurted too much. Liked the fireworks, hate the crowd! i think the whole city was there, it was literally "bum to bum crawled" reminds me of merdeka day in bukit bintang except that the small asian will have to struggle through and stick their heads up to get some extra air. the best part of the trip is i managed to sneaked a 200ml bottle of vodka into my small purse and mix it in my half drank diet coke at the corner of a building, that definately made the fireworks prettier! haha...Tanya is such a cool girl, i can totally see myself having so much fun with her in near future. Hopefully things will work out fine for her.
$20 bills in my purse dissapeared so quickly and i hv only got two sourveniers down. (task no2 : buy everybody something back home with just $100), again i had failed miserably, mind me, i had only bought one item for myself on the 8th hour of the shopping trip, that was after we talked on the phone and dannsu had the best day ever in half a year! I had done pretty good inspite of all the SALE, SALE, SALE signs that had been attacking me!
Managed to get everybody back home something with exactly $100, i hope they will appreciate "roots canada" , got my mom whole bunch of dishwares and cute mugs. i know she will love them providing i dont break any of them by the time they got to her hands.
anyway pictures time!
all you can eat Japanese in Sushiya, those floating boats r pretty cooL
food! food! food! 4 of us finished two rounds of those! and is super cheap, 11$ person!!!! those tuna and salmon just melted in ur mouth, super fresh!
so everybody is happy, look at our big smiles
thats all the items that we had, mind you some of them are muliple of 4, 6, or even 8!!
sand castle in metrotown, look at the giant playstation controller!!
there are tonnes of these giant bears around town, even more than victoria!!
the fireworks was amazing! I took quite a few video but some of them r pretty long so here are couple of the short ones.
took a rest by the sidewalk after too much walking, there are bleasters all over my feet!!
ferry ride home.....
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