Xmas eve was Lex birthday, he turned one!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Xmas yall
Xmas eve was Lex birthday, he turned one!
Friday, December 21, 2007
soooooon i ll be home again!!! yay!!!
but you know what! as of today! im officially ALL DONE!!!
courses, 4 coops.........done done done!
feel so good at the same time little emotional because all the hard work!! seriously mental torturing hard work has finally come to the end. No i wont ever go back to school , at least for the next 10 years!
I remember when I was struggling in the library 3 years ago there is this picture of us with our regalia and square hat, big happy smile!
Early of this week I gave a guy a ride to downtown from work, he was just bitching in the car how unfair it was for fresh grad engineer to join the company with starting pay more than him. He just went on and on about how experience is more important and ppl like us basically dont know shit.
well you know what? im sorry for your situation but we did work very hard for our degree and Im still in big debt of my student loan. *roll eyes*
hahahhahaha, im getting my hair root retouch tomorrow, and gonna start packing - taking off next Friday baby! one more weeek!!!
hello hot oily char kuey teow!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Dont you wish...........
and seriously, most VS models are from Brazil, Australia or Europe. I know i sound like a man but they are seriously HOT! and I wish Im that HOT TOO!! hahaha
I know you guys probably going to say - this is why there are girls out there are starving themselves, having eating disorder.
but but, if you could be that gorgeous!!! even starving yourself doesnt make you that gorgeous...
Here are the Victoria Secret Angels
wiki page says :" Victoria Secret Angels are the most visible members of the modeling team and are the spokespersons for Victoria's Secret."

Miranda Kerr - Australia
(my favorite angel!)

AND..............Last but not least
Santa baby ~ I ve been a really aweful good girl
3 years ago, i would ve been jump and said "YES" without thinking about it. But I dunno about now.
Isnt it amazing how our goal changed throughout just 3 years? Im not sure if that is a good thing. well, actually it can really mean two things
1. You are a trooper and achieved the goals you set for urself just couple of years ago
2. You are growing throughout the years and still at the changing phase.
Actually is true - you could be wanting different things in just 3 years, I admit at most times, I am still my own baby, I love to play and I act like a child.
I love life with no responsibility, no worries, no stress.... unfortunately, those are inevitable in life.....
NO? not quite.....well you will be called a bump if you still living life like that in ur adulthood.
I was having a little chat with Marcus - my uni course mate and we were just talking about things in school "oh remember this prof and that prof did that " and had a good laugh.
that seriously freaked me out, I remember doing this with my high school friends not too long ago. and now im doing it with my uni mate?
and Thanks to my sister's msn message " hey i was looking at your facebook pictures, you looked so different and i felt like i havent seen you in long time - you look like a 27 years old woman now"
IM NOT EVEN 27 yet!?
guess my point is........my point is.............
I duwanna grow old!!
these days, when i see kids, babies. I had this rush in me. like I wanna have one right away. After having Pooky and Lex, i mean my love for them is so much ! so overwhelming.....what about when I have kids?
why if I gave everything I have to them and they are gone when they are independent enough - just like me leaving my mother...
cant fear too much - i seriously dunno where this is going.........
ha! im out then, peace!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Is been a pretty good year
Kinda sad, Yesterday Ada invited us to her place for Dinner, in fact she invited us months ago, for what purpose? I dunno, she just would like to take us out.
Turned out, they threw us a surprise party for our wedding, gosh seriously, having them messed with my heart like that makes it even harder for me to leave the team .
I love them till bits, honestly another part of me will be more at ease knowing that I will come back to having income, Im just picturing my bank account will be empty in March, and it ll all roll back to my starving student period of time.
I kept telling myself,
- maybe is the wrong timing................
- maybe god is doing this because he had a plan - a perfect job that I will enjoy so much lining up for me in the future, and make all these worth while..........
I mean life is not smooth sailing all the time? honestly looking back I ve been fortunate, two years back..............
- I went back home for a 6 weeks long vacation and came back to an interview and job offer.
- Then went back to School, found an awesome team for our year end project.
- Went to Mexico for a luxury trip without having to pay for hotel and food.
- Came back from Mexico and had another job offer
- till now, here I am......going back in less than two weeks, have my fun wedding and romantic honeymoon, and get to hang out for few days in London with my best friends! (which we ve been talking about it for years)
Is been a pretty good year for me. Is only fair that I will be going through the bumper ride after the two more months fun I will be having.
but u know what, watever man, hopefully things will get straighten out when the time comes.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Rum cart Friday
Two carts one filled with snacked like cheese and crackers, mixed chips and chocolate, another one filled with rum and egg nort and karaoke machine. These two carts will go around the company and ppls will be following behind the carts.
Last year rum cart was fun - we had pimp santa and sexy santa

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Another Vet bill from Lex
Thats why Im here........ They gave me medicine, they gave me drop to make me vomit but I still cant -Doctor said im the 2% who still failed to vomit after taking the drop
Yup! my lovely dog cost me $170 ! but is my fault, I shouldnt leave the chocolate in the car
but the two hours in the waiting area was not fun, I saw few pet owners with their tears and they just look devastated!
Gosh, is hard for me to leave them for two months, ill be missing them so much !!
why cant dogs live as long as human!?
Lex was hyper all night, he hardly gotten any sleep and kept walking around the room, but he's fine now - still no throwing up or anything like that *shrug*
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Random puzzles
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Cream of broccoli
roast potato
corn chowder
cream of broccoli
chicken noodle
beef barley
ohh so many of them! and I always thought is sooo complicated to make them
As I was saying, I visited cousins' blog and she had the recipe for cream of broccoli - and is simple! I didnt know - I dont even need to buy anything from the store- pretty much have everything in my kitchen besides cream.
and it turned out great! - just cant drink too much of it coz is too rich and I made a big pot! Thanks swee for the recipe, and any of you interested to try out check her site!

One cold winter weekend....
I took 4 hours nap earlier, wide awake on sat midnight
watching "Iron chef Lady" movie from hk - lotsa yummy foood
visited swee's blog - lotsa yummy foooooooood!!
conclusion : HUNGRY!!!
Darling came back from jim's and brought back lotsa fire wood, is cold so we decided to make a fire
So he started his "lago" adventure and stacking up those firewood......
and im on the other hand, sooooo hungry and we decided to make supper!
klah better than mine lah but can hardly see the chicken also
you think that is Pooky eh......is actually Ching! i gave her a 'hair cut' and she looks so boyish now
That was the best roast chicken EVER!!!!!!!!!! sooooooo goooooooooooooood
Tummy feel so good now ~ hmmmmmm
Saturday, December 08, 2007
is the end of the year guys
great food, good friends, we had a blast!

So much mixed emotion rigth now, two more weeks and ill leave the company (again!) i remembered it wasnt a good feeling last year, and i know this year will be worse because I actually made good friends - Ada, Shane, Orion, Matt, Dennis
sighh....this sucks! but i have something to look forward to i guess...
thats right - the big party next month!
I ve been having dilemma and debate between myself and I.
myself says : once in a life time, go all out
I says: Do you really wanna blast the saving for the past year on just a 3 hours dinner? seriously, spending 6000 just on venue deco? where is the logic? that is dumb!
gosh!! im seriously fighting now........
bottom line is, I got my man........my perfect guy. And is all about the marriage, not the wedding isnt it? He has seriously tried all he could to give me my dream wedding, although he is leaning more to "I" than "myself".... I know I am demanding, I want this and that, but you still put up with me and try to give me everything.....
and I want to say Thank You darling....
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Are you in Facebook yet?
and im telling you all the big bosses are in facebook! and it puzzles me, is that because............
1. we are all IT nerds and spending too much time on the internet?
2. is a trend to EVERBODY!
3. they joined to spy on us if we are "facebook" ing during work? (COZ we all DO!)
well because big bosses are usually friends with big bosses and so the possibility of reason 3 is pretty slim.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
my big fat chinese wedding 1
gosh the flu bugs has been with me for more than a week now, GO AWAY!!!
Even though i havent been feeling well, but the butterfly effect in my stomach is getting bigger each day!
4 MORE WEEKS BABY! Then im off to my homeland to celebrate the biggest event of my life. I don’t care what everybody else said but wedding is all about the Bride! That’s right darling, you are there to look good and to compliment the bride….
Looking at honeymoon packages, selecting flowers, wedding favors, list of love songs…….. it is overwhelming but oh boy am I ever enjoying every single bit of it.
I cant wait to go back and see all my friends, I cant wait to see my family, I cant wait to go back and see the wedding banquet venues. Cant wait to meet up with my florist, cant wait to see how well my pictures turned out, slide show, album……..OH OH and my ikea wedding cake! Customize by my pastry chef cousin – swee.
When I get back, I gotto start distributing red bombs, decorate the newly wed room (which is going to be a rental suite), buy new bed sheet, pair of lamp, what else…….
Oh yea that’s right – be ready to expect more of this kinda post the next few weeks
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
me and my shoes
boots, sandals, leather, suede, syntactic.....wow!
shoes make me happy, i wish i could have one room custom made just for my shoes....
I ve been shopping in Aldo for my bridal shoes, with the following requirements:
1. they have to be at least 3 inches, so they ll make me taller next to darling
2. they have to be really REALLY comfortable
3. they have to be silver/white/light gold.
4. they have to be sparkling.
5. they have to be sexy :)
im not use to hills, and I dont want to be tripping and fall on my face on my big day in my beautiful dress....so from now on im going to be practicing in my new shoes~~
im going to be wearing them at home alot!
I love them!
I love them i love them!!!! they are the prettiest shoes i ever have..........4inches and soooooooooo comfortable!
Friday, November 23, 2007
food bank challenge - great success!!
but but but i got the virus too!! Doctor Vaughan said "you are protected from most of the "dangerous" virus, but not all millions of them "
Im safe from flu , but now i got a cold...... dry cough, sore throat, running nose. Perfect timing for wrapping up project eh? despite how much virus im spreading, ,i still have to dragged myself to work...
but is all fine, at least i got my work done....well almost
Yearly food bank challenge is back! Just like last year, I brought back "pie-a-leader" challenge, instead of a raffle, we made it more interesting, is a bidding war!
12 leaders participated, and we also get our CEO agree if raise more than 1500, he 'll volunteer himself to get pie'd.
The bidding war has been going on for two weeks and today is the execution day.
we raised total $4305 for mustard seed food bank! and all the leaders got pie'd today!!
Some of them really really duwan to get the pie'd that they willing to pay 200$ to save their "face".
But a generous guy donated 500$ last minute (with sd foundation matched another $500) , he got $1000 to make sure everybody in the list get the whipped cream on their faces!!
Besides that, there were also sumo wrestling, pretty violence, the damage being - a big hole in the dry wall...
did we work today? well sort of..............
Thursday, November 22, 2007
well i tried..
Yesterday I met up with him for interview feedback. My intention is to express myself more to things that i didnt do clearly during the interview.
I might sound desperate but the truth is, you gotto really fight for what you want. Reason im not the chosen candidate is because they are expecting someone at a very senior level. It will take me a year or two to get to that level. Fair enough, but I feel the need to let him know that im ready to build my career here and there. That I want this job so much is hard for me to let go. I will read books to improve myself to get to the level he wants me to be.
After half an hour talk, he decided to give it a little more thoughts and talk to the manager........
*finger crossed*
why do I have a feeling that he's still going to say no to me?
Sunday, November 18, 2007
hows your ride?
so, why worry!? live life for now.... Im feeling army strong and ready to strike again.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
my passion is
1. make my mom live in a comfortable life that she doesnt have to worry about where to find money for this month's mortgage, where to find money to pay car installment.
2. support my sister financially, so she could achieve her dream of becoming a wedding photographer. She's talented! make up, hair do, photoshop, most importantly she found her passion!
honestly, my passion = money
money money money money!!!
all we ever stressed about is money!
is money to the answer to everything!?
I developed interest in testing through that short 3 months, I looked forward to work everyday! never once in that 3 months i did anything that is not work related when im at my desk. I loved my job! I love finding bugs, I love writing and executing my own test plan. what do you mean by i did not demonstrate it during the interview!?
You had seen me work, did that not demonstrate my passion about this job? You can say that I do not have the experience, but dont accuse me for faking my passion.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Do you remember the best day of your life?
yesterday i logged onto photobucket, two accounts, hundreds of pictures....
I went through all of them, some of them really bring back lotsa good memories, maybe because im miserable right now, i felt the sadness looking at those happy footages.
And honestly - the best, happiest, most ideal day of the past say 5 years is christmas 2005
I got the best gift - Pooky, his puppyhood bring us so much closer to each other, is like we are both taking care of our child together. Sunday is our family day, Pooky's park day.
I still remember I will be so excited on saturday nights before going to bed, excited about the Sunday morning....
On Xmas day 2005, is like one of the Sundays to me, only better......because......
we exchanged gifts the night b4... and gifts make me happy

we went to see xmas lights on the same night........it was wet and rainy, that was the first time pooky stick his head out the window under the rain with his new scarf around his neck.

The next day, we woke up to Pooky in this position - had a good laugh and played with him on the bed, i miss his puppy energy

Do you remember the best day of your life?