yesterday i logged onto photobucket, two accounts, hundreds of pictures....
I went through all of them, some of them really bring back lotsa good memories, maybe because im miserable right now, i felt the sadness looking at those happy footages.
And honestly - the best, happiest, most ideal day of the past say 5 years is christmas 2005
I got the best gift - Pooky, his puppyhood bring us so much closer to each other, is like we are both taking care of our child together. Sunday is our family day, Pooky's park day.
I still remember I will be so excited on saturday nights before going to bed, excited about the Sunday morning....
On Xmas day 2005, is like one of the Sundays to me, only better......because......
we exchanged gifts the night b4... and gifts make me happy

we went to see xmas lights on the same was wet and rainy, that was the first time pooky stick his head out the window under the rain with his new scarf around his neck.
we took our family picture

The next day, we woke up to Pooky in this position - had a good laugh and played with him on the bed, i miss his puppy energy

the we took him tot he park, it was really crowded, lotsa ppls and dogs

Pooky had a good time playing with other puppies

I was wearing my xmas gifts from last night...

I love you Pooky

Do you remember the best day of your life?
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