Again, sometime before xmas, when we were still working at schneider...there was an extracurricular project going on - door decorating contest.
Tyler's the inventor of this whole ginger bread house idea!
Everything we used is edible, the only thing made them dangerous to be consumed is - they were all solidly glued down by "hot glue gun" !
Tyler's the inventor of this whole ginger bread house idea!
Everything we used is edible, the only thing made them dangerous to be consumed is - they were all solidly glued down by "hot glue gun" !

The finished product, this little village was done based on the buildings nearby schneider - look at how the polar bear is ready to attack those yummy gummy penguins. It was pretty heavy to be putting them up against the door...and we only use tape - wait, ALOT of tape!!!

bye bye desk...but ill be back!

mean while.....look at these two cuties
Pooky looks like he's busy with his bone, but thats wat he does whenever he's jealous - pretend to ignore you...

Pooky looks like he's busy with his bone, but thats wat he does whenever he's jealous - pretend to ignore you...

**********************edit - Today **************************
Big baking day- After I finished baking my lasagna. Darling came back started grinding turkey livers, ground beef, and beef slices - he baked whole bunch of homemade healthy liver dog treats for Pooky, and guess what? I think im eating most of them - who said dog treats arent for human? They are freakin delicious!
Start baking for ur puppy - Its super easy and almost effortless..
1 lb liver
a big meatball size of ground beef
1 slice of bacon - We substituted it with roast beef slice.
1 1/2 cup of all purpose flour
1 egg
some garlic powder (fresh garlic will be highly recommended)
oregano (optional)
Blend the mixture of meat till it becomes meat paste, add egg and meat paste in flour - then throw in garlic and oregano and mix them all up!
put in pre-heated oven (350) - half an hour for chewy and 45 mins for crispy. Its way cheaper and healthier compare to buying from pet store.
u got urself a new puppy??
no, that was a christmas present for darryl's parent. Its pooky's sister..she's sooooooo fierce!!
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