woke up around 1 to 2 ish, star blankly into the computer screen, checked emails, facebook, blogs the usual stuff.
finally got my ass up and cleaned the coffee table and kitchen. then start digging into the freezer and brainstorm wats for dinner/ lunch.
Then defrost, chopping, washing, stir frying (a little tip : the killer for stir fry is nice white pepper! u know those from sarawak.)
Then i will enjoy the meal infront of TV watching those hk series I brought back. (which im almost out of them!)
Then I will get on the phone with darling hear him complain how bored his day is.......and I will tell him the same thing:
so am I!!!
Ring ceremony is strictly closed door and no camera, thus this is at the reception

group photo after the reception on the way to the bar
waiting for the bar to open, we were 15mins early!
Alright, I finally got these photos tagged from facebook, just thought I 'd share or load them up here so I could look back ten years from now.....
1.30pm at Best Western Hotel meeting up with the engineers.

group photo after the reception on the way to the bar

waiting for the bar to open, we were 15mins early!
Wooii congratulations once again! =) now you got the wedding ring, engineer ring, what kinda ring next? haha boxing ring? :P just kidding LOL
haha maybe a graduation ring!? or more diamond rings, i dont mind at all!! haha
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