You are partying at the same time doing good deed, WHY NOT!?
So we joined them at the second pub - Hugo's
(darling, me, Ken, Austin, Martin, Amanda, and Jasen)
(darling, me, Ken, Austin, Martin, Amanda, and Jasen)
Me and Andrew, I tot i ll put this picture on its own coz of mr annonymous at the back :)
Austin's drunk face
Darling, me and Jasen were chatting outside of the pub, and Jasen is a big salsa dancer, so i told him to show us some moves - he crossed his hands and offer me to grab them, so i figured ok, im gonnna be his dance partner i guess, he twisted me and turn and flipped me 360 degrees in the air!? I was horrified! at the same time embarassed coz i was wearing a skirt. I promised to get back to him for that one!
When is time to hit the 3rd pub, I was pretty much done, but theres free drink at the 3rd pub, so we went ahead got our beer sat down and im ready to pass out, darling saw that and tot it wouldnt be a good idea to let my co-workers especially my boss to see this behaviour of mine -
So we left without finishing our free beer!!! I collapsed on the bed as soon as i got home.
I dunno what it is im such an eating maniac today! is like nothing can ever fill me up! woke up 10 in the morning extremely starved, so fixed myself some Unagi with some left over rice n miso soup.
After my breakfast, i lay on the bed watch "Friends" with some left over "cranberry juice" from last night - hahahha gosh im such an alcoholic i mean who drinks at 11 in the morning!?!?!?
Soon I passed out again and woke up 4.30 in the evening and starving again!! Gosh im such a pig and a bum!
What should I eat , what should I eat? looking back at my food pictures collection - I really want this!!! is one of the buffet dinner at the Hotel in Mexico....I would kill now for those grilled chicken, grilled fish and beef!!! hmmmmmmmmmmm MEAT!
i want pub crawl!! miss those days alcohol..and lots of hooligan around the streets
haha that was our first pub crawl, i promise to do better next time - to finish crawling all the pubs!!!!
we were too cheap to pay for those cheap alcohol!!!
whats hooligan?
Thanks for finishing the unagi baby.You know how much I love it and yet you didnt leave any for me.Not even a lick. If its not for your blog I wouldnt have even found out. Anyways hopefully you enjoyed it. heheheheheh
sorry darling, I promise i will try to find out where else can I get in town...
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