Today is our 9th year anniversary - zeng soh wai cheong cheong kao kao :)

To celebrate that, I thought of giving him a surprise by bringing him to this obstacle course in south Nanaimo, I know anniversary is a two peoples thing, but if you gonna go on this obstacle course, what fun is it if t was just the two of us? so i recruited 12 of us! Drove up north in 3 cars!

There are tonnes of challenging swing bridge and zip line was super fun!

This is another challenging one, you swing across like spider man and hop on to the net!
(see video below)

I packed some simple snack for everybody, we were starving!

i ve been having problem putting video here through You tube, anyone came across the same issue too?
Happy Anniversary darling!
Thats right, 9 years baby!
To celebrate that, I thought of giving him a surprise by bringing him to this obstacle course in south Nanaimo, I know anniversary is a two peoples thing, but if you gonna go on this obstacle course, what fun is it if t was just the two of us? so i recruited 12 of us! Drove up north in 3 cars!
as the cute instructor helped me to strap on my harnest, I smelled booze, so i said out loud :"*gasp* you had beers didnt you!"
and he looked panic :
" well it was last night but you cant tell my boss or else im fired!"
me:"*ting!* well i dunno, it depends.....*evil grin*"
him:"well how much do you want?"
he was actually serious!!! ahha
me:" well just make sure you return us all alive, and i smell some tequilla in that backpack, r u gonna share some?"
Gearing up and listening to safety instructions
Then we tried out a little demo course for kids just to get the hang of it
Me on the go, i think we started from 10feet and gradually increased up to 60feet!!!!
There are tonnes of challenging swing bridge and zip line was super fun!
This is another challenging one, you swing across like spider man and hop on to the net!
(see video below)
Some quiters taking pictures of us from the ground, look how high up we were!

Is kinda blurry here, but if you enlarge it, is actually picture of wei slipped and fell, he was then sitting on the swing and gasped for a while b4 he climbed up again! this was the most challenging and scariest part to me, my hands and legs were actually shaking after i gone through this
there were 12 of us and only 7 completed the full course, some stopped way early coz of high issue, some stopped right at the end coz their hands really sore.
Is kinda blurry here, but if you enlarge it, is actually picture of wei slipped and fell, he was then sitting on the swing and gasped for a while b4 he climbed up again! this was the most challenging and scariest part to me, my hands and legs were actually shaking after i gone through this
Then we chilled out by the bungy jump place to catch some action and had lunch!
will you do bungy jump? i kept asking myself then, if there were two of us maybe I will..
I packed some simple snack for everybody, we were starving!
Some of the crew from left "wei, Darryl, Shane, Ken, Trunk, Kenny"
There was Jim, Daniel, Candyce, Me, weiwei, Pei yu missing from the picture
i ve been having problem putting video here through You tube, anyone came across the same issue too?
omg 9 years?? wat u guys were dating since small kids or wat??..congrats!! when is ur marriage ar?
we been dating since I was 17, and got registered 3 years ago - wedding gonna be next year in Malaysia?
if i invite you to my wedding will you come?
wow..didnt u know u were..26!..haha how come still studying ar..too free nuffin to do isit??.. i just might..can blog mah..y not?
shit i forgot i just revealed my age, well i'd take that as a compliment :P
went through a long way to school, did 3 years diploma in UTM then stopped one year to get myself here, 4 more years here, now finally done, phew! damn old liow hor?
It would be my honour, i will have one table just for my blogsphere friends. How does that sound? Im serious!
wah very fun!!!;)
26 is considered young la, i used to have a classmate, he's 60+! :P
eh dont tell me you are comparing 26 to 60+ ah!
Yea i have quite a few classmates who are above 30, some even hv kids! so i dont feel too too bad :)
aiyo =P no la
i guess it's very common in western countries to have older students..unlike malaysia where u are already a grad by the time you reach 21! amazing!
yeah that ah pek needs to go to the restroom like twice in an hour! hahahaha
hahah twice an hour? eh u damn bad to teach ppls lah, guess i laughed too, opps!
is true, very very common here...hear it JOE!!?
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