I dont think i did a good job arranging the products but whatever, they can re-arrange it from time to time. and today is gonna be last day at the moving job and hopefully we ll be done by tomorrow as its the deadline anyway...
Im still tired as of today,urg!! weekend weekend!! hopefully I ll be able to take a day off on Sunday, Havent stopped working ever since the day i finished my last exam, even on new year's day!!! well besides xmas of coz...
oh my god!! somebody pls control me!!! i ve got this serious shopping problem, bought 4 Tops yesterday again, but they r like 7$ each and they r from roots!! nice material....this is like everyday!!!
look at the amount of tops i ve got, i mean this is winter!!
well, to be continued....
nothing much, got home early today and had roti canai n curry for dinner, yum! my new hemp pants fit me funnily today, it was suppose to be a capri for a tall blonde chic, but i can pull it off as a long pants but kinda an inch or two short....now im contemplating if i should get it cut n make it into a capri, they do that for free though :)
arggg!! i should ve gotten the one i wanted earlier, now is all gone and i had to go for the capri, didnt even like the colour, but is the nicest material i can ever get!
anyway is friday movie night, rented 40 years old virgin featuring my favourtie flavour slurpee - mountain dew!
havent I mentioned anything bout school? well, is basiclly a new start for me as i dont know one single person in this semester n i hate this, is like i hv to go through this all over again, i remember it was very tough, having being pushed away n rejected n still suck it up...being the minority in engr,such a pain in the ass, urg!
i dunno, i might hv to go solo this sem, can I ? sure i can if i stop being lazy and be a little bit smarter.
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