see the "alcohol is not included" note? heheh they happened to be Muslim family. but i love them!
after Khan, i rushed to Lily's about 1pm for another 3 hours of cleaning. in the middle of that, i was starving like hell, so i went up to Lily :" i hate to ask u this but i was so rush n didnt hv time to hv breakfast nor lunch, do u hv something that i can eat?"
and she was like " suuuuuuuuureeee, we hv berry muffins, cinammon raisin rolls, cracker n cheese....ill just put them out n u can help urself "
"thank youuuuuuuu so much!"
after a while i went down to the kitchen, and she put up lotsa food on the table, muffins, cinammon raisin rolls, crackers, whole block of cheddar, n apple juice.....ohhhhhh my god, i happily helped myself with a muffin ,3 slices of cheese with 6 crackers and half a glass of apple juice, *buuuuuuuuuuurp!*
i then happily returned to work! hehe
we had bubble bath tonight n pooky joined us!
look at him soaking wet! he look so much slimmer n different
i dried him with towel, look how fluffy he is~
im going to vancouver for the weekend!! peace y'all!!
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