lets start with the first day,we settled with our task which is the whole reason of us taking this trip - drop all the furnitures n mattress to Kenny's (darling's cousin) place. Got his room all setted up, poorthing been sleeping on sleeping bag on carpet, without pillow or nothing for the past month, now at least he has got a room! met his room mates (from malaysia too) - bruce n april.
now we can form a malaysian makan gang!
we went to Ikea, bought a shower curtain, (old one been chewed by pooky), a drawers storage n 4 cocktail glasses.
then first makan stop - greek food, ppls were bit impatient bout me taking pictures slowly coz we were starving like balls, hehe
lamb chop lunch -for Bruce
lamb+prawn souvlaki combo - for Su Ann
Roast Lamb lunch - for Kenny
Grilled Chicken lunch - for April n me
big ass Calamari Dinner - for Darling, look at the amount of calamari , even covered all the rice; everybody kept grabbing his calamari and there were still alot left on his plate!!
mmmmmmmmmmm~~ cant wait to start~~
after that lunch, everybody was stuffed n happy!!
then we met up with How n Jase went to a park to play with pooky for abit (yup all 8 of us in freezing cold windy day) , poor thing has been stucked in the van without food or water the whole first day.
then we proceeded to metro town for shopping n sun pin digest our food.
Bruce with cheeky sun glasses
i bought pair of levi's jeans n got it hemmed for 3 extra dollars, ok all this jean thing start from the ferry, i saw this girl was wearing this nice cutting pair of levi's jean, n i starred at her butt for the longest time n managed to find the last two number is 75, so i went to Levi's in metrotown n hunt for it but unfortunately , they dont hv anything like tat, so i ended up picked one super low waist for 29$!!!!
that night , How brought all of us to a chinese restaurant for late night supper, they ordered steamed fish, crabs n bunch of other stuff!!! and i was still full from lunch!!! (Mind u , i shared lunch with April)
then we went to liquor store to store up for tonite's real party, at kenny, brunce n april's house. the night was early for me, coz i went to bed bout 1am, damn sleepy, but some of them party till 6 in the morning, darling n pooky were ones of them.
next day, me , darling n pooky stopped by roots Factory Outlet. and we got awesome awesome deal, i bought 3 sweatpants for 15$ each!! n darling got 3 sweaters for below 30$ each n two toques for 5$ each, we r talking bout roots!!! fine winter clothing n sport wear!! oh~ i love vancouver!
then met up with the gang , third makan stop - banana leaf , the malaysian cuisine!!!
went in the restaurant, waiters r in those malay songkok wear (shit forgot wat its called!!) , waitresses r in baju kebayah, ohhh this feels like home~
the mee goreng was daaaaaaamn good!!
but cannot beat the nasi lemak, seriously!! damn goood! got fried sotong, big fish fillet, kari kambing n prawns!!!!!!
darling, kenny n bruce ate with hands n waiters were looking at them in a weird way, coz is quite a nice restaurant.
big group pictures, all of us had nasi lemak,look at our lips all bengkak abit, sambal damn spicy wei!
kenny, bruce n april. sighh feel old hanging out with them.
went to metrotown again after lunch, to pick up my jeans n second round shopping n food digesting. but darling met up with joe for coffee.
we caught the last ferry home, took a walk with pooky by the beach on a cold winter night while waiting for ferry ( we were an hour n half early!)
we were so tired that we just stayed in the car the whole time while sailing. wat a nice nap!!
we r home with shopping bags!!!!
darling got two perfumes, for super good deal, 50%-70%, diesel n armani aqua
his super good deal sweaters
my super good deal sweat pants
my blingaling earings ( i bought alot of them n guess who am i sharing with? )
n our ikea products!!
last but not least, pooky's new pillow bed!
fun! fun! fun!!! whats better than food n shopping?
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