and then im a daily reader of Zewt...comparing the useless garbage i wrote here, is really making me feel bad.
Do I think before I blog? the answer is NO.
I am no writter and know nothing about literatures, kinda make me feel dumb , maybe i should really dye my hair blonde.... I dont have much thoughts - it should really worries me if I do, coz thats usually the time of the deep cave (thats what i call it) - if you know what im talking about.
I guess Im just very basic human being, thanks to the medication, im enjoying life alot - finishing school, got a new job which im very excited about. The best part of it is - finally i could bring home some money, when i said home i mean my Mom, i could contribute in her mortgage - coz i was really ashamed of myself the last time i went back, she paid for my air ticket n everything, and it made me feel like such a big failure.
I once had this conversation with her when I found out that my 19 years old cousins are bring home money.
"I feel really sat pai, 26 yrs old and im still in school , contribute nothing to home"
mom replied, " Its not you, I am the one sat pai" which directly stabbed my heart
So I called her up yesterday to get her bank information saying that I will TT her money next month onwards - and she said " no, for now just try to save for ur wedding and I dont need any money now", of coz im gonna send regardless, coz i been waiting for this moment all these years!
Since young my motivation to work hard is to be able to give my mom a good life in the future, and i feel bad enough that i have to be so far away from her. Maybe one day she will change her mind about moving here... Hopefully.
sighh..i miss home, i miss you guys
Mean while, lets look at Daniel the new pussy cat doll!!! hahahahah

do you remember playing super mario on ur nintendo? check this one out, he's awesome!
That's just how moms are, aren't they? They always think of us, their children, first. I'm touched by this entry of yours, and trust me, it's okay not to think before one blogs --- sometimes the best things come that way... :)
I dunno about best things come that way but I am generally no thinker - or try not to be, too much thoughts scare me sometimes.
yes and I love my mom very much!
by the way, thanks Kenny!
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