So besides sleeping and making fun of myself on my blog or post it on you tube, I also like to cook nice meal for everybody in my family.....
the true reward of that is - seeing them enjoy the food and finish everything! thats a real satisfaction
here's some of my collections for breakfast, lunch/dinner, picnic tidbits, and dessert ( not very good with dessert though, i suck at baking)
Breakfast collections
Perogies, sausages and fruits

Peanut butter french toast served with scramble eggs and fruits.
Pancakes + bacon serve with aunt jemima syrup or maple syrup + lotsa whipped cream on top, yum!!!! ( and local kopi-o)
Last but not least, the boring american breakfast - the easiest one to make among all
Lunch / Dinner Menu
Fried crabs - kam heong and sweet sauce
steamed eggs, curry chicken, wings and some vegetables
Yong Tau Fu in steamboat style (very troublesome, only made it once)
Fried stuff
(how do i know how to make yong tau fu? My family since my grandpa were running yong tau fu biz and i been helping mom since young)
Salt and pepper fried chicken
I wouldnt take credit for the dessert below, it was a huge ginger bread house project (with my co-workers from Schneider) for door deco contast last xmas......the snow was icing sugar + water, crackers, and xmas tree is ice-cream cone covered with colored icing sugar + lotsa diff candies
Santa is made out of chcolate and the hat is jellybean with lotsa twizzler, candy canes, and animal shape cookies
Finished product
Naoki left this for me b4 leaving to Japan, looks like im gonna be making some japanese cuisine, except i need to scan n send him the recipe to translate whenever i wanna make something
Whoa! That's quite a repertoire, wor. I just had lunch but I'm hungry all over again, looking at your yummilicious spread. Well done!
haha thanks!
if u come visit, u can stay with us and ill make u nice meal everyday, ill make sure u put on 2kg in one month!!
eh.... have you considered opening a restaurant in canada?
Sulee, that is so sweet. But 2kg a month, I won't be able to get out the door pretty soon. lol
wah..where did u learn all ur cooking indian la..western la..chinese la..japanese coming soon la..korean ler? how about thai?? haha.. wat r perogies??
man my cooking looks so unappetizing compared to urs..looks like i can hang up my non stick frying pan
Yes the fact is we are really thinking about a Malaysian restaurant here, since they dont have one yet. But we first must work on a good planning.
hahaha thats the average weight every guests put on when they came visit. And they usually only stay a month :)
Someone who is constantly craving,
Mainly from my mom and big part of it is interest i guess...Thai very similar to msian cooking no? i find their curry has very strong coconut taste. not nice.
Perogies are like a dumpling but they have mashed potato inside (sometime with onion, cheese, and bacon). Practice more! u shoul see the fried oyster mushroom dish i made few days ago, it looked gross!
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