Well , not for all of us, but some of us - last thursday will be the last day of class ever! but then again that is just another excuse to go paaaartehhh!
In da club..
"camwhoring" by the van, suppose to be our sexy poses.
Being with the guys that night, it just hitted me that Im part of them already, i no longer be viewed as a "she" - we checked out girls together, making face gesture - rubbing ur chin while checking out girls (which claimed by Pez : " how to undress them") - If it wasnt for Darling I think they will truly suspect that Im a Lesbian. (Am I really?) still at the denial stage? - hahahha of coz no!!! IM SO DAMN STRAIGHT OK?
Am I being reborn to a party animal again? I tot I had passed the time? guess just the matter of looking for the right kaki? Naoki and Chris will be gone by May - is gonna be a lonely summer...
Late suppers at Denny's and i lost two bugs to this stupid machine!
Afte constantly pestering B about my interview outcome - I finally got to talked to him on the last day of class,
"um unfortunately we had filled up our position for the fulltime test, but we would like to offer you the coop position, will you be considering to take it?"
Of coz I will!!! like mom always said " no fish prawns also good lah"
while im there i could keep my eyes on those coming up openings for fulltime
Victoria Salmon Kings Vs Phoenix Road runners
6(home) : 1 (visitor)
Kids cheering the Kings
what the hell was your marcus friend doing?
haha this chick was all over him, what do u mean what he was doing? checking out some booty man!! haha
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