Gosh, no matter how many cups of coffee i have a day, I just felt like I could just doze off at any time of the day and go on a coma.
What is wrong with my body? Anyway im going to have a blood test this weekend just to make sure there is nothing wrong in terms of bio-chemistry wise.
Halloween is this weekend! well technically is next wednesday but who cares! there is going to be a costume party and what am i going to be?
Last sunday Jenene called us over and gave us a surprise halloween goodie box, lollipop, chocolate bar, toy, pep sticks and more! that was very sweet of her. and we decided to do the Kill Bill theme for this year's costume, right away we popped in the movie because some of us havent officially seen the movie yet ( im one of them). Due to the time limit, no one could find the costume so we had to call it off last min.
went to the mall to look for inspiration and the store is crazy, and im telling ya, those cheesy costumes arent cheap, anyway from 50 to 90$ !! no way im spending that much. and I over heard a teenage girl trying to convince her mom by saying, "well yea i could wear it year after yaer!"
there is absolutely no way they are going to do that, is suppose to be a surprise, she's not going to wear the same costume year after year!? but nice try though...
After walking around the store back and ford, I really cant see anything I like, they are all either something cheesy like supergirl,wonder woman, dracula, or sluty like sexy french maid, school girl, police officer. Gosh! they are all practically see through and let me tell you something, halloween is going to be 5 to 10 degrees. That is the down part about it....
but I picked up a pretty lace white umbrella and some face painter, all for 15$ I think I have a good idea.....*grin*
cant wait for this weekend!
oh last week wedding photo shoot went well! it was suppose to be rainy but god was good to us, it was dry for that two hours, started pouring when we were about to wrap things up. There was another wedding in hatley castle, and is this couple that we once met in candyce's birthday party, she mentioned to me that they are getting married sometime in oct, what a small world!!!
I promised to keep the pictures a surprise, but but but come on! just one...... teehee!

yay! so so happy for you guys! =) im gonna wear my pajamas for halloween :p
are you serious!? no more corpse bride?! coz that will be quite scary~ paint your face white
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