I was looking forward for the costume party the whole week! This year is definitely more fun than last year,
we are in door, nice and warm~
Anyway, pictures time!!!
The King who hosted the party

We got big farm Chicken and lapricon


Angel bartender...

The Samurai....


Cowgirl partying with Raggady Ann.........where's Andy!?

A Chinese ghost who got mistaken as geisha


geisha? no way...hehe cheongsam ghost..wei if got super long long hair lagi best, lagi scary..
I was going to do that!!! i was gonna buy some long wig with white stripes, or even just mess up my hair, but i was experimenting my own updo before that, and it look so pretty and I mmm seh tak take it down, so i went as it is :)
hahaha the last pic's very funny man..!
funny!? it suppose to be scaaarrryyyy~~ haha
there are more pictures in facebook, omg i damn LOA that night, so many pictures..
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