So last friday I was approached "so Nicole I found something for you to do "
I was assigned to this task, supplying current and voltage source as high as 2400V to the meter to make sure it doesnt damage the hardware. So i was all trained up in the EMC lab, when is all set up and comes to turning on the switch part, both of them step away from the machine stood by the door, passed me the safety glass, "here u go Nicole, good luck". I m still alive of coz but im having doubt to make this my career, first of all my clumsiness doesnt compensate well at all, and *whisper* I already got zapped twice in the past 5 months and of cause i didnt tell anybody.
Anyway, back to my mom's jewelry case, K actually asked my sister to go to bomoh, asked if theres any spiritual thing that is making those jewelry go "disappear". However, the bomoh said that it was done by somebody at home, and it was taken specifically on Saturday! woohhh being all superstitious and all, Sis asked K "there were only me and you at home on saturday, who could that be?" And he replied " I will think is you"
*wow* I know what you guys are thinking, it could be my sister, but we all know her too well, not to be biased or anything, she loves my mom too much to be doing this to her.
the good news is - her heart is completely dead towards this guy, now my mom is going the dark way - you can decide to choose to keep the jewel or your hands, *dang dang dang* this is like some kinda gangster movie isnt it? gosh this is going to be interesting..... and I completely agree with her action, cant just let him get away with things like that.
We ve booked our PW photography, is gonna be at royal roads university where Xmen2 and 3 was filmed. There are 3 beautiful gardens on the campus - Japanese, Italian and Rose garden. Gosh we only have budget for two hours coz "art" is freakin expensive here!!!
I ve never personally been there but here's a sneak peak of the Hatley castle.

Im so excited!!!
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