You know many of us - when talked about vacation, we wanna go US, Europe, Japan, Korea or ....even Singapore!
How many of us will actually consider East Malaysia - Sabah or Sarawak as one of their destinations?
Lets look at one of the seven wonders of the world - Grand Canyon
Beautiful isnt it? with the sun set n everything....

Look again, isnt that wonderful? except the picture ur looking below is Kota Kinabalu
The only difference I can think of - ermm off the top of my head, is Grand Canyon will cost you 5k? but KK 1K and you will have some extra pocket money for shopping...
Of coz another practical one is - u actually have to hike up to KK with all the mountain climbing or hiking equipments. Thats gonna cost you another big buck :)
Seriously! look again.....
This is Grand Canyon
And this is KK

I personally think they are equally why dont we support our local tourism?
Cuti-cuti Malaysia! I know blabbing about this in my blog arent gonna help contribute in the Malaysia's tourism coz i only have like average 5 readers a day.
Originally, our honeymoon destination is Pulau Sipadan in Sabah and i heard is not cheap but is gooooooooorgeous! but now since honeymoon is gonna be a gift to us. We gonna make full use of it....Tahiti maybe? or Fiji......wahh!!! hahaha see lah..
anyway back to my main point, so Malaysia tourism ok? next time you westies think of a holiday, think east malaysia, i will think the Iban and Kadazan culture will be quite different...according to my mom, she seen and learned alot during her visit in Sarawak.
If I havent got tight down by my job and family, i really wish I could take two months off each year to travel around, see the world, learn new culture, and meet new peoples. Just think of all the different weather, different currency, different language, different road sign.......
Just all the different things that you are about to explore? how much would you actually learned? I ve gotten comment like :"nicole, you obviously havent travel enough" when I freaked out about my travelling partner bringing a man to our room and threw the condom around.
Being well traveled doesnt mean you are well slept around. agree? But to some degree, I havent seen the world enough, the place I really want to go is Egypt, Rome and Greece. To learn their history. day, one day.......