Friday, May 26, 2006

stunned morning

This morning, im talking about 4 in the morning, my toothache woke me up, took some pain killer n lotsa water, then i managed to go back to sleep.

is my wisdom tooth, and i refused to see a dentist coz it ll be darn expensive as dental is not part of our medical plan. Ill just keep popping those pain killer and hopefully it will go away...

something happened today that made me really stunned! im talking about "running through red light" kinda stunned , (*thank god there wasnt any pedestrian that tat time). ok what happened was: as i back up my car from my drive way, Kenny came running to me and stopped me, i came down and there was this woman yelling at the end of the street,pooky was there sniffing her dog,

" you were this close (show small gap between thumb and index finger) to running your dog over!!why do u guys let your dog lose like that!?!?"

pooky ran right behind the van as i was backing up when he saw the woman's dog.
boy she was upset, and i was just shocked right there!! just imagine if i did run pooky over n killed him, geeez i dont even wanna imagine....this bothered me the whole morning...

im a horrible dog owner

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