Friday, September 30, 2005

wrong sex, wrong field?

Is the end of the month again, but not just a regular one, today is the day where Dannsu is taking over Lonewolf  native arts and crafts, which means - a native mask frm lonewolf cost bout $500 easily to be put besides the one from Dannsu, made in thailand, say $100, i dont get this....anyway!! they r still doing the inventory count, goshhh! god know how late is tonight gonna be, im relaxing right now .....but gonna get my ass working as soon as they moved those inventories home.....yup! with all that, we r gonna be daaamn broke until christmas come along....*finger crossed*

oh well! not that ur interested to know...

lets look at some fun stuff - the story of  "AH SINGH

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pls ignore the important notice, too lazy to get rid of it.


Im checking out friendster's new feature and they actually keep a record of who has viewed ur profile in the past month, and guess who i *bumped* into?

KEN!! looking even better...i was damn shocked to see him, Ken was my senior in utmkl, and by koreking into his list of frens, i found other pals too!! this just reminded me of how fun utm was, everything is shortcut , underground...u know, with lazy big ass prof, u can easily score A+ not knowing whats going on with the course...but then of coz u not learning anything...

but just thinking of how helpful, and  how sweet my coursemates were, which i totally depended on, and developed " yea you learnt that stuff and teach me later..." kinda attitude....which allowed me to party my ass off  in KL city but still managed to graduate...."ENGINEERING IS TOUGH?? HELL NO!?!"

Now i taste the bitter, ENGR is aging me, more wrinkles, more fine lines..... OH MY GAAWWWDD!!(yes yh! im 24 and i definately need eye cream!!)well maybe i didnt care about my CGPA as much as i do now, being a woman in this field...oh boy, do i hv to fight for it...


Thursday, September 29, 2005

(",) click!

woke up super early today for my second attempt of driving test, but somehow....we reached there 750, 10 mins earlier than b4, we ASSUMED, since is a rainy day, ppl will stay in bed a little longer, BUT when there were 6 ppls ahead of us in the line up and i was like FORGET IT, im not about to wait for another two hours, so we decided to come back next monday....

ceng355 prof is worthless, excuse my use of words , but seriously, i dont think he enjoys teaching...and that will make our lives really miserable.

Stupid matlab, i dont get it!! argggghhh im so retarded when it comes to these code, i dont like the language!!

i been under the rain all day, took buses here n if we get to ICBC earlier, ill be driving already..fwahhhh damn confident huh!!

Skyped with kelly today,she sent me a tune that she wrote recenly, is really soothing,im loving it, light up the candles and incense, kick back n enjoy.... she told me everybody has an ipod in london, herself, danny and yvonne, and i should get one too...damn hao lian!! and she also mentioned not to get ipod nano, coz its really fragile, the screen crack easily and apparently there's rumour saying tat iMac might give a refund to all the ones sold and re-evaluate hold the thought!

my eye cream is running low, im using estee lauder cyber white but we cant get any of those here, the whites prefer to be tan, they try to go under the sun as much as possible, remember that was once, i asked for whitening product at the cosmetic counter and the sales girl looked at me strangely and went like : why would u want that?? AHEM!! apparently they adore my skin tone, hahahhahaha! si beh hiow pai seh! think i should sign up for unlimited tanning since the summer is over...always prefer chocolate ice-cream than vanila..*grin*

Monday, September 26, 2005

judging too soon

Its third week of school, which means, all labs start this week, right after class today , i asked around to see if theres any of them has the same lab as me, turned out, only Vick and Mike are, so obviously i pray to be that 3rd person in that group, but it turned out not to be the case, coz theres even number in the class and I had to group with Karl, let me tell u alil bit about him, first of all, i dont know him personally, but he appeared to be this arrogant, but damn bloody smart geek from the bridge,( plus he's cute too!) but i didnt like him from the beginning....and this morning, i saw him putting his contact lence in his mouth n stick it right back into his eyes....eeeeeeeeew!! how gross is that?

but when the lab instructor insisted on two ppls in a group, Vick n Mike right away hooked me up with Karl, they were like: Nicole, he's smart, group with him!! and I was pleasantly surprise working with him, he's totally not what i expected, but humble and patient. we were working on this robot experiment - control this robot arm with a program, to make it pick up 3 blocks stacking on top of each other, then stack them up into a pyramid on a diff spot, that was the coolest lab i ever worked on!


Darling had a day off yesterday, so we cooked dinner.....

grilled ribs , corn n potatoes on the side....errrmmmm not quite complete yet.

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THATS MORE LIKE IT!!! what r ribs without beer?
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my eyes r puffy now, and prolly tomorrow too ,coz too much crying...:~(

Sunday, September 25, 2005

pls let me take u home

Went to the pet store for the second time to see him, and he's still there.....but this time there were alot more new puppies, king charles cavalier X, cute lil pug , jack russell X, chihuahua etc....

but still i love him the best, (doesnt he look like the poodle pup in the calender?) held him in my arm the first time i was there, he's so cuddly....and the best part is, he wont shed!! ohhh god pls let me take him home......but i cant!! this is so frustrating!!
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Saturday, September 24, 2005


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I know this is not nessecery , I know i dont need this , I know if somebody bought this for me, i would ve returned it for the money instead...


Im really loving this - The new ipod nano. It is the coolest things i ve ever seen!!

Friday, September 23, 2005

im glad is just another ordinary day

This morning when i get off bus in campus, saw a dead bunny lying in the middle of the road, that poor thing got run over by a car. Just in case u dunno, my campus has wild bunnies running around, nobody knows where they came from but they're just there...with their high sex drive, im surprise that place is not over populated yet...hahaha

OMG!! I paid too much attention on 3 summaries last nite and totally forgot bout the quiz this morning, oh well! couldnt careless, thinking that i ve done Laplace Transform before and being good at it, damn cocky right?! but this morning, I only know one out of 3 questions...sighhhhhhh sat pai!!

i took a 15 mins nap during work, coz i was all alone,keng lehhhh, ngek ngek ngek!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Driving failure...

First attempt on my driving road test, got there like 8 in the morning and there were already a line up, bla bla bla, im the 6th "walk in", waited for fucking two hours, or maybe more... missed my ceng class, and darling was waiting with me just incase i failed, he s gonna drive me and the car back....and obviously he opened the shop late!! like 2 hours late!!

to think that all this will be worthwhile if i pass , but un"fuck'n" fortunately! i failed!!! i felt like a complete loser, coz the 5 ppls b4 me, passed! all of them!! i dunno that was their first time or wat...but with that kinda high expectation and confidence i had with myself...fine ! i might be careless sometime, like eating or talking on the phone while driving...

i was totally trashed! this just costed me 50bucks, mannn they r making such a fortune for failing ppl huh? the only thing thats making me feel a little bit better was, my driving teacher and his family all failed on their first attempts, some of them took more than twice!

guess what r my failing issues : driving too slow, put my signal light way too soon b4 the turns, driving at 60km at the exit of a 80km highway......fuck i think i was too concious of the speed limit and at the beginning of this test there was this bastard honking his bloody horn all the way behind me!!! hello!!! im in a road test, if u dont mind pls get the hell out of my face! and thanks for being "HELPFUL"! *roll eyes*

Thats it! im gonna try again a week from now and i will be there like 730 in the morning just to be the first one to go! wish me luck....

Sunday, September 18, 2005

mooncake festival

found out that today is mooncake's festival from cousin's blog, it is scary that i had to find out that way, coz i dont feel a thing about it here, theres no "tang long" (lanterns) hanging around for sale, mooncake is so expensive, no commercial from TV, no neighbour kids playing laterns.

sooooo we decided to do something , actually the plan was to hang some laterns in the house ...just for the heck of it. But becoz i had to attend a meeting tonite, so we came to conclusion that darling will make dinner, like chinese style dinner for the FIRST TIME!!!

ok before that, this is the pic of us singing for president of SGI canada ,visiting from Toronto. and im easy to spot from the crowd, IM THE SHORTEST ONE!!

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after standing at the back for two hours ( there werent enough chairs for everybody), i skipped all the delicious pastries and dessert..Aiden n Kinuyo gave me a ride home.... came home to the fragrance of fooooood....and dance music like"one more time" playing in the house, LOUDLY!!  reminded me so much bout partying in kl....and also laterns hanging up the ceiling...hahaha so weird right? we had to use hanger somemore

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there is my darling cooking, i was sooooooooooo curious to find out how dinner will taste tonite..mmm wonder what is he cooking
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tada!!!this is it! isnt this freaking gorgeous!?!? dry garlic chicken..

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mean while, yong was beating on the hand drum to those dance songs n kept us entertained

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lets hv a sneak peak. *wink~*

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tada!!! look at darling's first time, not bad right??? hahaha

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I have to tell u guys, dinner wasssss absolutely delicious, as tasty as it looks, I was reaaaaaally impressed!! he definately has the talent.


after food, we played table tennis...looks like yong was gonna catch the ball with his opened mouth!!

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and jeff is enjoying the dance music and memories of those good ol' times
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darling smacked the ball onto yong's nipple hahahhaha
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we ended our nite with this pic....thank you for everything ,darling!!
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environmental issue, ha!

saw this interesting pic on the paper.

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There's this new breakfast place darling loves to go. There's this note besides the napkin pile : "TAKE ONE OR TWO, NOT THREE; SAVE THE TREE!"

and u know what? the owner is chinese, tat explains eh? hahaha im so judgemental.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

relaxing day..

we packed up the basement and garage on thursday nite to make more room for the moving...and got the table tennis setted up, yay!! can play now!!!  and we just had a fairly good game after such a long time..

sooo tired this morning, drove jim's car back to thetis lake and we went for breakfast later on...went to bookstore while waiting for bus, and i only had 10 mins, picked up this cuteee calender for only $2!!

Mrs Khan's sis visited from pakistan. and she gave me this blouse,is not something that i would wear but was so surprised and thrilled, coz we only seen each other like twice!! she must ve like me , hehehe

so relaxing today after work, watched ANTM cycle 1, then i dozed off to it and woke up to episode 8. ohhhh that was such a goooooooood nap, i havent had that for long long time....napping is always good but make me so piggy. oink oink!

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fun times!

its been a long but happy day, why long? school, work, party... why happy? 350 instructor pretty much told me that I could enrolled in that course without the pre-req , and know what that means to me? It means i could graduate way earlier!, ill be back in sequence in no time.

Its candyce birthday, went montana's for dinner and there were at least 20 ppls there, totally unexpected. They brought a ice-cream cake and put a pair of horn on was hillarious!! Ribs in montana was absolutely fantastic!! Darling had a huge burger with extra patty on it, mmmm is pretty dry though...but the funniest thing is, our waiter sneaked a peace of paper with a lil map that he drew, and he whispered : "dont come here for burger, if u want the best burger in town, go to fairfield fish n chips!" which was where the lil map shown...hahhaha we thought he was fishing for more tips and he got it!

we got candyce a lamp and she loved it, later on we went to nates to hang out, we were going to take a cab home , thanks to me! But James was nice enough to lend us his car, but we just gotto bring it back tomorrow morning b4 work...and we gonna throw a lil paint party on new Dannsu , paint party : lotsa beers and pizza on the side.. all our frens can take part, come in and paint the shop, u got free pizza and beers....hahah is gonna be so fun!

anyway...these are the few pics i could uploaded from the bbq nite. Butch thought i was weird  for taking too many food pics. there are more though...;(

me, yong and butch
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fuck man! look at these...
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"sam yap sa" , fresh bacon in korean...ohhh yong made this nice sesame dipping sauce to go with it
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look at the rack of ribs , isnt it gorgeous? hahhahaha  WE R MEAT LOVERS!!
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chandler, butch and jeff
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lemon tart, looked kinda messy though
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Thursday, September 15, 2005

yay! i got my books!!!

I got two text books from ebay for like 3 times cheaper than what there selling in uvic bookstore, and they were delivered yesterday, waaay faster than i expected!! in perfect condition and hello! i just saved 140$!! whats better than having a goood deal eh?

we had a bbq yesterday, yup! i know its wednesday and i gotto get up like 730 this morning...ohhh but it was soooooo much fun!! mainly is the beer n wine, but i had a relaxing nite....

lotsa nice pics taken, lets hope photobucket will allow me to upload all of them , knowing that it had been a lil coocoo lately, alot of pics couldnt be uploaded...could it be the size ? any idea ? anyone ?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

crazy me

beginning of school isnt too bad, kinda feel silly bout all those fear i had days b4 school started. Trying to apply to take this course which i missed its pre-req, so that i'll be closer to "back in sequence".
good point: ill be graduating sooner, like waaaay sooner;
bad point : i have to cut down more working hours. well i guess in a long run it pays off.

a fren of mine lost her job, another one lost his dad..... kelly n darling is right, if we think of other misfortune ppls, we stop thinking that we are the most depressed ones, which at times i do, for no reason, just for fun!! hahaha, crazy me...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

perfect day until...

this morning started out so well, is a beautiful hot sunday morning, darling made breakfast - pancake with whipped + maple syrup + bacon on the side....yum!!
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so after breakfast, we started our day, i went to work , everything went well, the kids were adorable today, they roller skated on the deck with kid songs playing on the side, beautiful look out to the ocean, couple of sail boats out there....oh! wat a beautiful day!!

finished work about 1pm, was driving home to make lunch : we made some wontons and roasted few chicken wings yesterday; so lunch today was wonton noodles...DRIED!! or we call GON LOU..... yumm!!! cant wait!!cant wait!!!




I met an ACCIDENT by hillside mall,which is few blocks away from my house!!! fuck!! ICBC claims,   insurance premium increased for 7 fucking years!!!   total lost : 3000$

and its fucking expensive to send ur car to the work shop, and if u let ICBC do it, its going to take like MONTHS, no car to work, no car to school, no car to grocery, no car for MONTHS!!  which is what we gonna do, how many hours do we have to work for that amount?? I would have to bite my teeth to cope with school and on top of that MORE HOURS, MORE WORK!!

thats not the best part, the best part is...i been driving with my malaysia's license, yes ur allow to do that if you had ur knowledge test done , which took me 3 times to pass it... (yessss i over estimated myself) , so strictly speaking, im not driving with bc license, there fore , theres big chances that they might take away my license and ill be under probation for at least one year before i could go for my roadtest, and by that time, my knowledge test will prolly expired and i will have to do it all over again!!!

darling was sooo mad at me, he had warned me about my careless attitude towards everything in life....why if that wasnt a car accident, why if i knocked some pedestrians down , and killed that somebody.......i was overwhelmed with guilt just thinking about that....because a family came in to the store yesterday to buy a horse for their dead daughter, they just lost her 2 days ago- 27 years old, cause of death unknown.....her mother was tearing in the store just talking about it...and she told us to cherish love ones around us, coz u might not know whats gonna happen...


i just spent two hours washing the van yesterday morning, and today........ sighhh sim tia!!

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I will be careful from now on darling.....sorry for all the trouble

Saturday, September 10, 2005

body engines

someone once told me, when u passed the age of 25, ull start to find ur body isnt working as well as it used to be.

im months away from there, back pain, headache , sleepless nites, tiredness....i could really see the significant changes as it is.... and getting health concious, using less salt, less sugar, less oyster sauce, less everything!! also try to exercise regularly, losing weigth is one thing, keeping the body functioning well is another main reason.
even darling is trying to quit smoking,and he's doing well, which is very impressive!!

I ve got nothing to blog recently, no trip, no pics...and school started , so ill be bitching n winning about it alot from now on until my next holiday :)

Thursday, September 08, 2005


sighh another sleepless nite, nowadays i made a big fuss over not being able to sleep...where it used to happen so often last time.. but the thing is SCHOOL STARTED!! i have class 830 in the morning...damn damn damn!!

anyway a client's daughter called me today n asked if i could help her too, damn i was already thinking cutting down some hours as priority will be given to school. i dont think i could work that hard to say no, but is better to say no now than quiting halfway through...

GRRRRRRRR!!!! what m i stresssing over for? cant sleep? lost appetite!! mood swing, this has to this normal? does everyone go through this stage so often?

damn! i need to relax...

Sunday, September 04, 2005

self pity

how long does it take to make the adjustmentS? modify it without losing it?

constantly ppl made me realised that there are so much on my shoulders, someone just listed em all out for me, so simple, just like that on our first conversation,is like pouring cold water on ur head and made u realised, but of coz it wasnt an ordinary conversation we had.

maybe all they meant was to give a lil pet on ur shoulder... tat after all, ur not weak n stop self pitying.