Monday, October 29, 2007

halloween weekend!

Pumpkin carving is fun! i did a better job this time, except that darling said the second giraffes looks like a lama coz of the fat neck.....

I was looking forward for the costume party the whole week! This year is definitely more fun than last year,

we are in door, nice and warm~

Anyway, pictures time!!!

The King who hosted the party

We got big farm Chicken and lapricon


Angel bartender...

The Samurai....


Cowgirl partying with Raggady Ann.........where's Andy!?

A Chinese ghost who got mistaken as geisha


Friday, October 26, 2007

My virgin pumpkin

I carved my first pumpkin ever yesterday! and is not as hard as I thought, but i didnt do a very good job, as you could still see the dark marker line - I got so excited that i signed up for pumpkin carving contest at work!

hmm...hmmm what am i going to carve!? gotto be something unique....what should it be, what should it be......

I know halloween is during the fall for a reason, and whats the story behind jack o lantern? and and..... the color of orange isnt scary!? I dont get it.......

Yesterday was Jazmin's birthday, and she's only 22!!! we were going to do the corn maze carnival, they said the haunted house is pretty scary, apparently there are few exits throughout the way - some of you might not be able to take it. but anyway it got cancel, and we went to boston pizza to have some appies and beer.

We walked to Boston Pizza to celebrate Jazz's birthday, it was freeeezing cold outside and I only have a thin layer of jacket, got weather here is sooo weird, is like a 10 degrees temp drop overnight, so damn unpredictable!

The chickadees

Jenene is such a cutie! in a weird way hahaha, i love this girl
Darling is pushing Jazz down hill - im talking about high speed! guess she got too scared.

happy baaaaaaarthdaaaay! she loves spinach dip

We told the waiter to bring the nastier thing he could ever make, so he left and said " dont forget, you guys have your birthday coming up tooo!!"

and he brought this, apple sour puss and jack daniel shot, drop in the evil yet yummy whipped cream!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

dum dee dum

been really fatigue lately, lost the drive to do really anything...was it my bed? was it my body? lack of iron in my blood? I dunno......

Gosh, no matter how many cups of coffee i have a day, I just felt like I could just doze off at any time of the day and go on a coma.

What is wrong with my body? Anyway im going to have a blood test this weekend just to make sure there is nothing wrong in terms of bio-chemistry wise.

Halloween is this weekend! well technically is next wednesday but who cares! there is going to be a costume party and what am i going to be?

Last sunday Jenene called us over and gave us a surprise halloween goodie box, lollipop, chocolate bar, toy, pep sticks and more! that was very sweet of her. and we decided to do the Kill Bill theme for this year's costume, right away we popped in the movie because some of us havent officially seen the movie yet ( im one of them). Due to the time limit, no one could find the costume so we had to call it off last min.

went to the mall to look for inspiration and the store is crazy, and im telling ya, those cheesy costumes arent cheap, anyway from 50 to 90$ !! no way im spending that much. and I over heard a teenage girl trying to convince her mom by saying, "well yea i could wear it year after yaer!"

there is absolutely no way they are going to do that, is suppose to be a surprise, she's not going to wear the same costume year after year!? but nice try though...

After walking around the store back and ford, I really cant see anything I like, they are all either something cheesy like supergirl,wonder woman, dracula, or sluty like sexy french maid, school girl, police officer. Gosh! they are all practically see through and let me tell you something, halloween is going to be 5 to 10 degrees. That is the down part about it....

but I picked up a pretty lace white umbrella and some face painter, all for 15$ I think I have a good idea.....*grin*

cant wait for this weekend!

oh last week wedding photo shoot went well! it was suppose to be rainy but god was good to us, it was dry for that two hours, started pouring when we were about to wrap things up. There was another wedding in hatley castle, and is this couple that we once met in candyce's birthday party, she mentioned to me that they are getting married sometime in oct, what a small world!!!

I promised to keep the pictures a surprise, but but but come on! just one...... teehee!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

i finally DID IT!!!! haha!

Yesterday was the best Friday! I had developed a different attitude at work lately, I usually tried to avoid talking to Mr X and if i had to, ill be complying even though i have question marks all over my head or disagreements all over my chest!

but i ve been rather short lately, which I dont know why, was it because I ve had it ? was that my limit? I had challenged every single thing that he said - with attitude! boy did that ever feel good! and the result of that, i been picked on again. Or you call that sabotaged?

but thats ok....bring it on! i tried to take this coz is only two more months to go, after all i had been taking it for half a year. whats another two months!? But i find my heart is pumping fast each time, im afraid i will lose my mind and start yelling at him at the place im trying to get a full time job for. wow how professional is tat?

so i stepped into my boss's office, I started with " i ve been contemplating to have this conversation with you MONTHS ago but decided not to because i didnt wanna create this negative energy, but i ve had it up to here.........."

so you can pretty much imagine the rest, oh yea i was straight forward, angry and i did create a big impact. and he sensed my pain, he was really listening.

" sorry to put you in this position, I dont know what can you do, but something needs to be done!! "

boy THAT.FELT.SO.GOOD! oh my god, i had finally did what i been trying to do for months! and i wont regret it - for once i am 200% confident that i did the right thing!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

movie club night !

Yesterday was movie night, and when I heard about the movie title, i wasnt intrigue at all, i mean having to go through sejarah class was bad enough and do i have to put this up ,,, again!?

well visual effects will make it interesting so i'd give it a try.. So we watched "Elizabeth-The golden age"

but that film just blew my mind away!!! I got so interested by the story line and i looked up history of Queen Elizabeth right the very next morning! they said this is not as good as the first one 10 years ago, not so political and kinda all over the place, i wouldnt know because I havent seen the first one yet. but I drove to blockbuster right after the movie trying to get my hand on one, but they all got rented out!

I thought she was so inspiring, even though to the modern women these days. She's powerful, independent and she loves her peoples!

before the movie, while waiting for our dinners getting ready from KFC which cost like twice as much in the cinema!!! we bumped into this we decided to chill with them ...


Saturday, October 13, 2007

picture perfectttttt

PW photograph is booked - Next Saturday! please god , i beg you to stay with me to keep the land dry, i dont need no sun-shine, but just please dont rain~

Went in to the bridal store to get the gloves, just when i found the right pair and ready to pay for it, the store owner walked to me and told me they been trying to contact me for the past weeks, my dress is here!!!

yayyyy now i dont need to use the keh leh feh dress, i can use my perfect dress for the picture!!

lets see again

wedding dress -checked
veil -checked
shoes - checked
Jewelry - checked
hair accessories - checked
hair +make up - checked
photographer - checked
1 carat diamond ring - N/A
Suit -checked
tie -checked
pocket square -checked
belt -checked
shoes -checked
cufflink -checked

we still need vest!!!

im still 6 lbs away from my targeted weight. but i have 3 more months, so what if the PW photos look bit chubby.

Westerners VS Asians

I thought this is interesting and quite true...

= Westerner
Red = Asians

Way of life



Queue while waiting

Sundays on the road




MePerception of each other
Three meals aday


Elderly life

Shower timing

Moods and weather
The Boss

Whats trendy
The child

Things that are new

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

will the dark way solve the problem?

Its been super slow at work these days is not even funny, been doing random things that given to me when I asked for stuff to do, (ahem! im a hard worker ok? i make sure my team know that i have a moment and help them with anything i can )

So last friday I was approached "so Nicole I found something for you to do "

I was assigned to this task, supplying current and voltage source as high as 2400V to the meter to make sure it doesnt damage the hardware. So i was all trained up in the EMC lab, when is all set up and comes to turning on the switch part, both of them step away from the machine stood by the door, passed me the safety glass, "here u go Nicole, good luck". I m still alive of coz but im having doubt to make this my career, first of all my clumsiness doesnt compensate well at all, and *whisper* I already got zapped twice in the past 5 months and of cause i didnt tell anybody.

Anyway, back to my mom's jewelry case, K actually asked my sister to go to bomoh, asked if theres any spiritual thing that is making those jewelry go "disappear". However, the bomoh said that it was done by somebody at home, and it was taken specifically on Saturday! woohhh being all superstitious and all, Sis asked K "there were only me and you at home on saturday, who could that be?" And he replied " I will think is you"

*wow* I know what you guys are thinking, it could be my sister, but we all know her too well, not to be biased or anything, she loves my mom too much to be doing this to her.

the good news is - her heart is completely dead towards this guy, now my mom is going the dark way - you can decide to choose to keep the jewel or your hands, *dang dang dang* this is like some kinda gangster movie isnt it? gosh this is going to be interesting..... and I completely agree with her action, cant just let him get away with things like that.

We ve booked our PW photography, is gonna be at royal roads university where Xmen2 and 3 was filmed. There are 3 beautiful gardens on the campus - Japanese, Italian and Rose garden. Gosh we only have budget for two hours coz "art" is freakin expensive here!!!

I ve never personally been there but here's a sneak peak of the Hatley castle.

Im so excited!!!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Two days ago, got a call from my mom 7 in the morning, i knew something was up.

So when I called her back, the first thing she said was " im so heart broken".

Turned out, those jewelry that she got when she was married or wat we call "kah zong" , was all stolen from the dresser!

nono there was no break in, it was done by somebody in the house. Sister's bf K scored a very high chance on that one, due to his dishonest personality and some history.

mom treated him like his own son, it completely crushed her heart that he did that, moreover, they are very very important to her. We cant let him get away with that. She wants him to move out of the house immediately and demanded my sister to stop seeing her.

I know this is so old school but we all agreed to that, poor little sister is another victim for all these......

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Candyce's birthday

I thought I lost my camera - now that it crawled back to me, here is the late update on Candyce birthday two weeks ago...

We arranged a surprise party for her at the spaghetti factory

She had noooo idea

I dunno why was Jenene poking the soup

This is the east meet west red thai curry spaghatti - it tasted prettty good!

I said DO NOT mess with your foooood!!

There was a jager short underneath those whipped cream

She got it! now eat up those cream....

Lex is such a nice hugging pillow....zzzzzzzzzzzzz good night~