Is the end of the month again, but not just a regular one, today is the day where Dannsu is taking over Lonewolf native arts and crafts, which means - a native mask frm lonewolf cost bout $500 easily to be put besides the one from Dannsu, made in thailand, say $100, i dont get this....anyway!! they r still doing the inventory count, goshhh! god know how late is tonight gonna be, im relaxing right now .....but gonna get my ass working as soon as they moved those inventories home.....yup! with all that, we r gonna be daaamn broke until christmas come along....*finger crossed*
oh well! not that ur interested to know...
lets look at some fun stuff - the story of "AH SINGH
pls ignore the important notice, too lazy to get rid of it.
Im checking out friendster's new feature and they actually keep a record of who has viewed ur profile in the past month, and guess who i *bumped* into?
KEN!! looking even better...i was damn shocked to see him, Ken was my senior in utmkl, and by koreking into his list of frens, i found other pals too!! this just reminded me of how fun utm was, everything is shortcut , underground...u know, with lazy big ass prof, u can easily score A+ not knowing whats going on with the course...but then of coz u not learning anything...
but just thinking of how helpful, and how sweet my coursemates were, which i totally depended on, and developed " yea you learnt that stuff and teach me later..." kinda attitude....which allowed me to party my ass off in KL city but still managed to graduate...."ENGINEERING IS TOUGH?? HELL NO!?!"
Now i taste the bitter, ENGR is aging me, more wrinkles, more fine lines..... OH MY GAAWWWDD!!(yes yh! im 24 and i definately need eye cream!!)well maybe i didnt care about my CGPA as much as i do now, being a woman in this field...oh boy, do i hv to fight for it...