Thursday, September 29, 2005

(",) click!

woke up super early today for my second attempt of driving test, but somehow....we reached there 750, 10 mins earlier than b4, we ASSUMED, since is a rainy day, ppl will stay in bed a little longer, BUT when there were 6 ppls ahead of us in the line up and i was like FORGET IT, im not about to wait for another two hours, so we decided to come back next monday....

ceng355 prof is worthless, excuse my use of words , but seriously, i dont think he enjoys teaching...and that will make our lives really miserable.

Stupid matlab, i dont get it!! argggghhh im so retarded when it comes to these code, i dont like the language!!

i been under the rain all day, took buses here n if we get to ICBC earlier, ill be driving already..fwahhhh damn confident huh!!

Skyped with kelly today,she sent me a tune that she wrote recenly, is really soothing,im loving it, light up the candles and incense, kick back n enjoy.... she told me everybody has an ipod in london, herself, danny and yvonne, and i should get one too...damn hao lian!! and she also mentioned not to get ipod nano, coz its really fragile, the screen crack easily and apparently there's rumour saying tat iMac might give a refund to all the ones sold and re-evaluate hold the thought!

my eye cream is running low, im using estee lauder cyber white but we cant get any of those here, the whites prefer to be tan, they try to go under the sun as much as possible, remember that was once, i asked for whitening product at the cosmetic counter and the sales girl looked at me strangely and went like : why would u want that?? AHEM!! apparently they adore my skin tone, hahahhahaha! si beh hiow pai seh! think i should sign up for unlimited tanning since the summer is over...always prefer chocolate ice-cream than vanila..*grin*


Yeehwan Yeoh said...

i wonder how come you guys are so into technology.. I have my MD player but i hardly use it, and simtia because i chipped one corner of it a little the other night. I'm careless, dropped my mobile so many times already. Yeah I love my skin colour here but everytime i go home, i stop liking it.. And also i always wish i were thinner when i'm in malaysia.. why do you use eye cream? you're only 24?

SuLee said...

hey i used to think like you, but nonooo IT IS IMPORTANT to use eye cream, prevention is better than cure... being in this intense program for a year , i had more wrinkles n fine lines, aged so much,sighhh.... you hv a MD?!?! shit im the most uncool one hahahha,i like my skin tone whenever i am, but winter makes me so much fairer, hate it!