Monday, September 26, 2005

judging too soon

Its third week of school, which means, all labs start this week, right after class today , i asked around to see if theres any of them has the same lab as me, turned out, only Vick and Mike are, so obviously i pray to be that 3rd person in that group, but it turned out not to be the case, coz theres even number in the class and I had to group with Karl, let me tell u alil bit about him, first of all, i dont know him personally, but he appeared to be this arrogant, but damn bloody smart geek from the bridge,( plus he's cute too!) but i didnt like him from the beginning....and this morning, i saw him putting his contact lence in his mouth n stick it right back into his eyes....eeeeeeeeew!! how gross is that?

but when the lab instructor insisted on two ppls in a group, Vick n Mike right away hooked me up with Karl, they were like: Nicole, he's smart, group with him!! and I was pleasantly surprise working with him, he's totally not what i expected, but humble and patient. we were working on this robot experiment - control this robot arm with a program, to make it pick up 3 blocks stacking on top of each other, then stack them up into a pyramid on a diff spot, that was the coolest lab i ever worked on!


Darling had a day off yesterday, so we cooked dinner.....

grilled ribs , corn n potatoes on the side....errrmmmm not quite complete yet.

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THATS MORE LIKE IT!!! what r ribs without beer?
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my eyes r puffy now, and prolly tomorrow too ,coz too much crying...:~(

1 comment:

Nair said...

Really cool site!!!
By seeing those ribs with beer, i can feel the water in my mouth.

Care to visit my blog: