Thursday, May 04, 2006


Summer classes started, not bad for the first week as weather has been more than 20 degree everyday.

There was a POP quiz in class today, just to test our knowledge and how much have we forgotten of what we learned one year ago.

there were 8 questions and i got 7 of them right!? frens were impressed, some were scared,how did i come out that strong? but wat they dunno is, they took this course last year but i just had my final exam last week. of coz is still fresh! ngek ngek!

walked around town today to hunt for new shade, and QUIKSILVER is opened!!!! i went in and check out the stuff, OMG is like heaven!! flip flops were so cute, bags were cuteeeeeee gosh gosh gosh, i realised i needed more money, so i asked for a job.

pls pray for me, i really wish i could get this job! to dress up like surfer chick n sell ppls board shorts n bikini, hell ya!
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1 comment:

SuLee said...

thanks, but i think no luck for me :(