Saturday, July 22, 2006

another hot airless afternoon

its a hot saturday afternoon, pooky stayed home with me today instead of at the store. Its so stuffy in the house, so i ve decided to at least get a fan, instead of leaving pooky at home i took him along with me.

i went to total 4 stores to be able to finally get one,fans r almost completely sold out in this town, when i was running in and out the stores looking for a cheap fan,  poor pooky had to stay in the car, and i know he's gonna be suffering in there, thats why i only spend 2 mins in each store, and in between , when i was walking to my car, i saw this old lady was tapping my car's window, as i went closer she asked:" is this ur dog?" , after i answered, she started yapping how awful it is to be leaving a dog in the car on a day like this, i tried to explain, i was only gone for 2 mins....LOOKING FOR FAN!! but that old bitch just kept going on, and she commented that I shouldnt own a dog at all.  WTF!!? is not like i left him in the car to go shopping, i was literally running to the appliances department back and ford !!!

anyway, now we both r sharing this small 10" fan , at least it cool us off a little, esp me!
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Anonymous said...

ghahaha pooky's so cute!! especially the smiling pic.. ahha hugo sometimes smiles too when sleeping.. dunno maybe they're dreaming of some hot chicks.. hahah

SuLee said...

i dunno bout hugo but i think pooky was having some kinda food related dream , something like he gets to have a whole turkey bird by himself..he's damn tamciak!! haha

Anonymous said...

waaaahhhhh so thamjiak wan ah...