Wednesday, March 26, 2008

when I was 21.....

So much mix emotion in me right now. Rush, boredom, addiction etc..

Does these things come to any human being that has too much time in his/her hand?

I wish I was 21, old enough to do watever I want and still young for any responsibilities. The feeling of puppy love, friendship, party life, school etc

Dont you think?


"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

sigh ..21 came n i m closer to 23..i wish i was closer to 18-19 during uni times free life..

Anonymous said...

Su Lee & Joe... I would have agreed with you guys two years ago, when I was 27... but now I dunno. Yes, there are more responsibilities and in some ways, less freedom... But.

But the maturity we gain over time, that's worth its price in gold. I feel more comfortable now in my own skin and when I chat with my friends in their 40's and 50's, I realise there will always be things we aren't sure about. But that is okay.

Life isn't about being perfect. It's about living it as much as we can. And learning day by day to be as true to ourselves as possible.

You two are good eggs lah. Dun think so much... :P

SuLee said...

good eggs!? haha

rightmywrong said...

Life is supposed to be like this, just a lot of uncertainties...try to live life to the fullest, that's all..

We have to grow up someday and that that we are in our mid 20s, we wanna go back to early 20s, when we are in our late 20s, we want to go back to mid is really like dat...there's no time machine we can use to turn back just enjoy and look forward...grow old with grace ;)

SuLee said...

guess so, think i should be thankful that im still at 20s? but not so much mid though, hahah .i liked it "grow old with grace" :)