Sunday, April 27, 2008

early preg syn

So i read about early pregnancy syndroms :

1. fatique
2. lower back pain
3. naussea
4. frequent toilet run
5. constipations

i have most of this all psycologically?

thank god my new job is only part time 20 to 35 hours a week....


rightmywrong said...

Hmmm I think that's normal for a preggo lady to be experiencing such symptoms...don't think too much, just relax and have a happy journey along the pregnancy!! =D

SuLee said...

i just found some spotting, i m gonna go see a doc tomorrow, hope everything is so worried about my baby

rightmywrong said...

What's the finding? Even though I've never been pregnant, I think it's not unusual for preggo lady to have spotting. But checkup is always the best. So you did the right thing. Keep me updated =)

SuLee said...

the bleeding stopped when i went to see doctor and checked on me and told me to stay off my feet and stay in bed. till monday to avoid gravity pull.

but today it started spotting again....

sighh i really dunno why is this happening to me

rightmywrong said...

yea you should relax..stop thinking about it...and stay in bed like the doctor advised you to