Saturday, August 18, 2007

job hunting status - the question i had been avoiding

last week, my boss asked me a very good question "Do you have preference in hw development over hw test?"

three months ago, i would have said yes - coz i enjoyed sw test sooo much.

It actually gave me the satisfaction after each test - that i ve learned and gained.

but most of the test cycles im doing right now, just like boom boom boom, get things done, follow the procedure without knowing whats happening behind the scene. Like today, i started a crest factor test for different orders of harmonic.

like " what the hell is crest factor??!!!"

honestly i could ve easily finished doing the test and still not knowing what it is if i dont do research on it.

project deadline is two weeks away, and there is absolutely no time for research- hey im not complaining that i have too much work. i enjoy the fast pace. yes it can be stressful but i chose to look at it as knocking one down after another like swinging the baseball bat with my fullest strength. Come my way and I can knock you down!

but my point is, is this what i wanna do as my career? the boss raised and force me to really think about my passion. the question that I have been avoiding.

I cant give him an answer coz i had never have any experience in design besides small school projects. How would I know which one do I prefer?

after thinking about this for a week, it is still inconclusive - simply because I had never worked in development, i could see test could be pretty boring after doing the same old things over and over again. arg I dunno....

he just told me there are 80 applicants are competing with me - I had just applied a new position, competing with the shortlisted candidates? i mean there are two piles of resume - with and without experience.

i am not getting a good vibe out of this. But im try as hard as I could to keep my spirit up and be positive.

wish me luck~


Kenny Mah said...

Hmm. I've never had much luck with career decisions myself, so all I'll say is if you stick to your gut feeling you should generally be okay lar...

*keeps fingers crossed for you*

rightmywrong said...

I would say follow your heart lor...i'm not too sure what im gonna do's sorta like you have come to the intersection and now it's time to choose which route...well, i'm having the same problem myself...the problem is im not sure what im really good at..maybe it's time for some bumps before eventually knocking on the real thing?? Hope things go well for you gurl..haven't seen you online for a while tho...will chat soon =)

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

you coming bak to malaysia???

SuLee said...

Kenny & Meme - Thanks guys, follow the heart, that is the key.

Joe - yes im coming back b4 christmas