Tuesday, August 28, 2007

yup, is not nessecerily

Kelly and I just had this conversation not too long ago, i dunno if we are aging, or was it the booze eating up our brain cell slowly. I have been really forgetful lately.

not as sharp as I used to be anymore...

had only 3 hours sleep last night, went for an hour run/walk during lunch hour - came back all exhausted. Suppose to make dinner for 9 ppls tonight, I have a feeling im gonna cut myself in the chopping board or burn myself in the stove with the sleepy head.
Thank goodness dad came up with this idea of having a bbq instead - I absolutely love the Idea!

coz there is no way we could fit 9 peoples in our dinner table.

u know one of those old peoples that told you the story over and over again coz they forgotten they had told you b4? I am one of them. so i guess i pissed/ annoyed someone tonight by telling the story again - well actually is not so much about i had forgotten about that.

I felt absolutely embarrassed when she told me off in a unfriendly tone - infront of peoples.

am I being too sensitive to let this bother me the whole night? But i am proud that i tried hard to control and hide it well ..... i ll give the credit to the wine.......

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