Monday, July 11, 2005

revenge of the cat

Please excuse me if i have more than one entry a day, as Im soo bored.

Couldnt sleep last night, maybe nervous bout the test this morning, or maybe i had too much pepsi, or maybe im worn out as i spent my weekend in the library.
So! i went blog hopping again, and I changed my template too!features my favourite color; lime green (for beetle, and ipod mini) ,absolutely love it! bank of canada trust is giving away ipod shuffle for free if u switch ur personal or business cheqing accounts to them. OH i would have done it if i have a cheqing account.

mean while, it took me one beer and two barcadi rum shots to go to bed at about 3am.

woke up extremely early by darlings morning call, had bacon and eggs for breakfast. spotted a small puddle of yellowish water on my kitchen counter...yup! it was cat pee, and dont ask how i knew that...maybe she was upset coz i kicked her out of the room last night as i was having hard time breathing, yes im allergic to cats.

i just found out that ....OMG! i forgot what I was going to say...damn!! i need some sleep.... peace y'all!


I just rented harry potter- and the philosopher's stone ,after not even halfway thru the book,seemed a lil eager isnt it, as Im at it, I couldnt help but keep imagining what would the characters be like in the movie. Heard that the books r way better than the movies though, well...ill find out! the 6th Harry potter will be available in 5 days though, most importantly, Harry kept me company during the bus wait, kept me from looking like a complete idiot as i was waiting for my food alone in the restaurant,haha. (PS: i hate eat out alone!)

had a good tennis game with daniel, then got whole bunch of chubby chickens, arrr im done with chicken for the rest of the week. Darling predicted that they might reach vancouver on friday , Ill most likely meet them there for the weekend,hehehhe... zara, here i come!!

1 comment:

SuLee said...

alittle more...
just hitted me that i need to clean the cat litter box , so i did yesterday and OMG!!! it hasnt been clean in a week and yucks! duwanna go i found out the reason why she peed on the kitchen counter. coz her "toilet" is too dirty!!
sorry shimi, i accused u for bad! hehe...