Friday, January 14, 2005

kam fei san fu ahh

sigh...kam fei really san fu loh, i did it b4 (successfully) but letting it grow more n more in the past two years!
esp i have to do it with daily activities involved like school n bla bla bla...unlike the last time, woke up 2 almost everyday n automatically skipped breakfast n lunch...
signed up for a month gym yesterday at crystal pool, did 50labs breast stroke, errr across the pool lah..didnt eat much yesterday,just two bowls of cabbage soups.
woke up today ok but half way in class, about 1100am , felt extremely weak n dizzy..had to skip 1130 s class n go for bites(soup n bread),heheh,felt much better but still weak.
gotto have some carbs later to burn some fats at the gym tonight....

hopefully all the hardwork would be paid for :),of coz it will, i ve done it b4

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