Saturday, January 15, 2005


is freaking cool today,esp we hv to get our photo shoot by the beach, myohmy!im telling ya, the ocean breeze got my face frozen, i bet ya if i fall, my bones gonna go breaking coz is frozen too!!

im in an extremely good mood today coz i ve archieved my target for this week.
Jeff bought us breakfast today, how can u resist free breakfast? haha ,i only had half of it n stuff the other half to darling n Jeff.

Wanna go get my haircut today, why so early? coz incase, it turned out bad, i hv another 3 weeks for it to grow to normal,good strategy huh? yea i know ,after the last incident,man! i dunno anymore...

oh yea,besides that i hv to help Bryan to move...

still early, will see how it turns out...

didnt manage to get my haircut today coz when im down with bryan , it was snowing pretty hard, and is unsave to drive around,so i decided to head home, but b4 that,stopped by winners n bought pair of trouser. and its pink!!!! hehe
still snowing after my nap, got some vege soup n went swimming, crystal pool closed early today and we went to oak bay rec,did 50labs (not across the pool this time) i mean the real 50 labs!! ngek ngek !

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