Wednesday, January 25, 2006


one of the most boring professor did something really cute today, he usually present his lectures with a mini microphone clicked on his lovely classic sweater.
but today when the microphone made a high pitch feedback sound when he was too close the the speaker, he nodded down n said :"shhhhhh!!" to the microphone, i mean he did it spontaneously, then he quickly realised n looked kinda embarassed...haha

sometime i wish i hv a camera phone which doesnt make a "chik chak" sound when i take a picture, so i could secretly taking pictures of funny ppls in the class. for example, this guy infront of me took out his lunch box in the middle of class, n he lined up 3 low fat yogurts on his desk, n started finishing each of them in 3 scoops, that kinda reminded me of Joey from "friends" , and the guy next to him hv the same low fat yogurt too!

whats the deal with guys n low fat yogurt?

anyway i bought a highlight kit last two weeks but was too shaky to do it myself, i mean dye is ok, i always done my own dye job (i mean darling did it for me) , but last night i finally did it!! , put on the cap n pulling the streaks one by one from like hundreds holes definately took quite an effort n pain.

but it turned out.....
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and dinner for tonight...something i hadnt had for long time! n i can never made it as nice as mom's.

tofu kang (with REAL crab meat!!!)
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Anonymous said...

da tofu kang looks good!!..wahaha!

SuLee said...

u come ill make for u k?