Saturday, April 08, 2006

cut cut cut again!

This morning, i was just so frustrated with my hair, i mean it look so

bulky from the side and the back, just so dull looking! it was

different from the day that i cut it, i dunno WHY! so anyway i spent

another 50$ cutting my hair again, what the hell! this time i brought

my laptop again showed her jayla's after make over hair cut. and i also

said i duwan it too short.

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turned out... it look quite similar, but still kinda bob cut-ish

looking, i think i dont look so messy, who knows! maybe few days later

im gonna hate it again n cut it shorter.. did i make a mistake cutting

my hair at the very first place?

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Spoke to my sister n found out that one of my cousin is getting

married this June, why such a rush?! reason being is, her bf's grandpa

just passed away, n according to their family's rule, if theres any

marrige or celebration kinda events has to be done within 100 days or

the next time is 3 years later, so thats why they r having it in such a

short notice. *shrug*

i found out some pretty good deal pre-wedding shoot package from

cousin's studio and enquired bout it, am i throwing  a wedding

soon too!?

you see ! *wink~*


Anonymous said...

ya man.. my sis was asking me.. u wanna get married edi izit ? so.... ??? really ah??

SuLee said...

geez! tot i told her to hush!well, eventually...hehe

not anytime soon though