Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Chris' hair do day

So this coming Saturday Im going to get my hair cut by Leah - Chris's housemate who's a licensed hair dresser. One of the reasons i cut my hair so short last year was becoz of hair damaged. Thus I havent lay a single drop of dye on my hair ever since then. Yesterday, I found out that hair damaged was due to the cheapo hair dye we bought from the drug store - so this weekend, im going to get 3 tonnes (and maybe more...) highlights!! all that for just 60$ - thats like an awesome deal!!

So we went to a store to pick up the color, (which poor Leah got her hand slammed by the van's door, it swell up so bad and that girl never even whine once! *ouch*) , anyway this is not any other regular store, you have to hv a hair stylist license in order to buy in wholesales' price. so, i picked up a ceramic straightening iron for wholesales' price too!! I ve always wanted one but those good ones always cause TOO much ! THANKS LEAH for the hook up!

Just so you know - a flat iron and curling iron are in the "Must Have" list for us - the ladies.

So if you are struggling to buy ur girl a present for coming up event, she will be thrill to receive any of these! ( and dont get those cheopo 30 dollars one coz they never worked!)

So anyway, Chris "volunteerily" be my first guest - lets see how powerful this tool is. (ok I lied when I said volunteerily, he was forced and practically had no choice)

As you can see from his expression - if you are wondering why is Chris' hair so big? he's actually doing a very sweet thing, he's saving it till is really long and shave it all off to donate to the cancer foundation , but because of the curly nature it's now big and really afro-ish!

The process - we took turn to straighten it and and then finally gave up leaving the underneath part , his hair is stubborn! just like mine...So darling came up with this idea to tie them up!

The finish product - we have "Wendy's and palm three x helicopter hair do. arent we creative?


For some reason this hair do reminded me of Megan's first photo shoot from ANTM cycle 7, no?

He' ll be so mad and ready to kill me if he found out that i posted this, thank god he doesnt and please dont read my blog...

Thanks Chris for being such a good sport - we love you!

I cant wait for this saturday for my turn - wonder how will it turn out? Will it be bad karma for me? *gasp!*

I think I need a liposuction surgery on my double chin and tummy, and arm, and lap....ok IM FAT~


Anonymous said...

Chris u re the best..... u re the men.. women wateva..... but damn ur hairstyle wld win any crazy mofo hairstylist competition.

zewt said...

chris chris... where are you!!????!?!?!?!?!?!

rightmywrong said...


SuLee said...

Isnt he awesome?!?!

Anonymous said...

hey yoyoyo thats a great pic me---n!!!@v@ let give me this all of pic. hahaha---

Anonymous said...

Hey Wendy..nice pics man..thanks for being such a when you leave someday we will always have something to remember you by