Friday, May 25, 2007

squatters' right

Do you guys know anything about squatters’ right?

I heard about this very interesting news on the radio this morning - a 71 years old man has been living or camped in this park which owns by the government for the past god-knows-how-many years. And because of the squatters right, he now owns the land worth 4 millions , but I bet this man doesn’t want the money or anything, I mean he’s 71 years old, he just want a place where he can “squat”.

And someone called reported there is this similar case in BC, his friend’s parent own 2 acres of land, and didn’t realized that there are few street bumps been camping there for the past 3 years, and when the land owner intended to make use of those land and apparently they cant get rid of those peoples, because of squatters’ right!! As long as they been there for more than 2 years they have the right to stay on….

Isn’t this crazy? Even though the land belong to somebody else, im talking about private owned?!? If this law is being enforced in some countries with nice weather, I will go “squat” for couple of years and then own the land, (oh by the way in BC you can only own the land if it is a government land.) and I’d be rich!!! Is too cold here to do so, and the crappy weather during winter…wind storm, *GASP*

Oh well.

As I was driving to work yesterday morning on the highway, I saw this car pulled over on the fast lane, and then I saw this dog rushed out from his car and bolted across the street! I mean is a highway and all the cars came flying down, a van nearly knock him down, then the van driver pulled over to help getting the dog, but that small car just drove off ?!?!
I wonder if he is the dog owner or what or maybe I mistaken, that dog didn’t came out from his car, he was also just dodging the dog and pulled over to the fast lane, it was too late for me to do anything because I was way up there and seeing everything else from the rear mirror.

Poor puppy, I hope he/ she will be ok…

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