Sunday, May 27, 2007

Whats cooking in Nicole's kitchen?

THATS RIGHT BABY! Prawn mee aka Har min!

I finally found some imported prawns from thailand with the prawns head on!

Yummy finished product! taste very similar to the prawn mee behind my sentosa house!

Last night we went to Irish time to celebrate Pez's 27th birthday party! Happy birthday Pez!

Irish time is known for their irish beers, all different kind, from light to dark....(Harp, Kilkenny, Smithwick, guiness stout) - and i got a taste of everything !

Rasberry martini

There were list of 1912 Titanic meals for the cost of $19.12

This is one of them- I dunno what is call, belfast or something

There's homemade turkey pot pie.

This grilled halibut burger, isnt that good according to Bonnie

And I had cod fish and chips - the fist is incredibly fresh! but the batter just sucks! wat a waste for such good fish to be handled that poorly

Big ass nachos - perfect to go with ur irish beers!

Everybody digged in!
Last but not least, Pez's burger, I dunno whats in there coz he was too far away, i had to zoom in to take this picture.

Daniel refused to share his dessert with Harun

Big guys arm wrestling

Lastly I wanna apologise to darling about my behaviour last night, so sorry and thanks for your you


"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

too much alcohol eh??..

yeah the prawn mee "looks" good...1st step towards ur own prawn mee shop!

SuLee said...

hey it tasted pretty good too!!

well my mom sent me this prawn mee paste, but coz i too kedekut, i made the soup mostly from the prawns head,shell, pork and sambal. then at the end add in bit of the paste.

so i wont really take credit for the whole thing.

and yes! too much alcohol - u know it! haha

zewt said...

those har mein looks damn good... the rest of the photos spoil my appetite though :P

SuLee said...

hahaha why? was it the peoples, or the food pictures? or it was me!?