Friday, April 27, 2007

First day

Is 15 mins from 5pm and I finally have the chance to open up a 4"X 4" window to write this entry - yes thats how addictive I AM!!

First day of work, and its waaaay different than the last work term with software, the project im in is not starting till mid May, So i have plenty of time to get ramped up instead of being sunk into this big project like the previous one, where i pretty much started testing on my third day. And I will be involved in Filters project, which is my favourite (and what im sort of specialized on besides telecomm), I cant wait to get some hands on experience on those 5000$ - meters

The one thing that got me soooooooo exicted is, Im getting this 19" brand new samsung LCD flat widescreen monitor, is even nicer than the one that my Team leader- Bill is using. (which by the way he told me not to brag about it too much coz alot of my team members are still using those giant monsters.

When the IT guy came in with my tower, keyboard and mouse, and he had to run downstairs to get the monitor, man I was praying for one of these babies, coz i saw some of them in the office have them. As soon as he came in effortless carrying a box that looks like a suitcase in his right hand, in my heart was like YAYYYY~~~Brand new out of the box toO!!

Alright on and all, Im one of the two girls in Embedded Test team which total 15 or more peoples. Everybody is fun, casual and helpful. New monitor, new job, new start for me!

Another thing made my day (besides the 19") is Bill pulled out the year plan for the team and he already had a project planned out for me in October, guess im staying either as a fulltime or contractor(which i hope not and unlikely) after this 4 months work term. *finger crossed*


rightmywrong said...

i'm sure it's going to be smooth sailing, LOTS OF GOOD LUCK to you!

SuLee said...

smooth sailing? i dont think so but hopefully my sail boat wont get tip over, but thanks alot for ur wishes.