For "wife's night out application form", unless your babies got back like this....
or this.....
Otherwise, the application form is just as below and submission deadline is - right before going out....
Are we women really so hard to deal with? Seriously we been hearing alot of these stereotype towards us!!! GRRRRRR!!
Did we create the stereotype or did the stereotype make us what we believed?
NOW that is the question!
Its the same as the supermodel phenomenal - we read fashion magazine, we let them tell us what a beaty look like. If any of you watch "Phat Girl" you will know what I mean.
Im not sure if this is true, but according to that movie - In Africa, men adore chubby women, the bigger they are, the more attractive the men will find them. If a beauty propaganda started off like this, there wouldnt be any of those eating disorders in this world (aneroxia or bulimic)- there will be none of those cases where supermodel starved to dead!!
but come to think about it, if that was the case, wouldnt there be more ppls(esp girls) suffering from disease that caused by obesity? ( heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, etc...)
Either way, it will be bad, guess moderation is the best solution to everything! dont you think?
I know i promised the Horat video but im super busy today, giving the last push b4 last exam tomorrow, be patient pls......sorry! ook back to study! wish me luck...
apa ni... u giving ideas to my fiance???????????????????
I dunno, does she read my blog?
I ve printed out alot of copies and handed it to mine last night
surprisingly it cracked him up so bad (but behind that laughter i could sense nervousness like "are you serious baby?")
hahaa..i reckon its these evil masterminds in the fashion industry..they instil ideas of what the perfect woman and man is..tats y i still got a big belly haha but i still want wat u call a "hour glass figure"..oh well..thank god my gf doesnt read blogs..
gimme her email add and ill forward those forms to her!!! hahaha
ooh i got a big beeer belly toO! thats right! BEER BELLY!!
well food had something to do with it too! actually it came from Bah kut teh ( im from klang)
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